Create an Enum class. As dependencies will also be called by FastAPI (the same as your path operation functions), the same rules apply while defining your functions.. You can use async def or normal def.. And you can declare dependencies with async def inside of normal def path operation functions, or def dependencies inside of async def path operation functions, etc. You can read more about these event handlers in Starlette's Events' docs. So, with the same Python type declaration, FastAPI gives you data validation. Declare Request Example Data Behind a Proxy Using it in your editor is what really shows you the benefits of FastAPI, seeing how little code you have to write, all the type checks, autocompletion, etc. The path operation itself also declares a scope, "items", so this will also be in the list of security_scopes.scopes passed to get_current_user. By default, what the method .openapi() does is check the property .openapi_schema to see if it has contents and return them. There is also an Advanced User Guide that you can read later after this Tutorial - User guide. If you don't want FastAPI to include an automatic server using the root_path, you can use the parameter root_path_in_servers=False: and then it won't include it in the OpenAPI schema. Up to here, everything would work as normally. Only event handlers for the main application will be executed, not for Sub Applications - Mounts. The scope dict and receive function are both part of the ASGI specification.. And those two things, scope and receive, are what is needed to create a new a dict). In some situations, you might need to use a proxy server like Traefik or Nginx with a configuration that adds an extra path prefix that is not seen by your application. So, you import Query, which is a function.And when you call it, it returns an instance of a class also named Query.. Path Parameters FastAPI . You can configure the two documentation user interfaces included: Swagger UI: served at /docs.. You can set its URL with the parameter docs_url. Because this dependency function doesn't have any scope requirements itself, we can use Depends with oauth2_scheme, we don't have to use Security when we don't need to specify security scopes. What is OpenAPI for The OpenAPI schema is what powers the two interactive documentation systems included. You can use Security to declare dependencies (just like Depends), but Security also receives a parameter scopes with a list of scopes (strings). FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production. Even though all your code is written assuming there's just /app. The same error would appear if you provided a float instead of an int, as in: If you pass a custom list of servers and there's a root_path (because your API lives behind a proxy), FastAPI will insert a "server" with As dependencies will also be called by FastAPI (the same as your path operation functions), the same rules apply while defining your functions.. You can use async def or normal def.. And you can declare dependencies with async def inside of normal def path operation functions, or def dependencies inside of async def path operation functions, etc. Probably in many cases the default will be that the proxy doesn't have a stripped path prefix. We are doing it here to demonstrate how FastAPI handles scopes declared at different levels. FastAPI But you can also provide other alternative servers, for example if you want the same docs UI to interact with a staging and production environments.. Now update the dependency get_current_user. To async or not to async. It includes a property scopes with a list of str, with each scope it received in the request. The first one will always be used since the path matches first. For this, we import and use Security from fastapi. It is just a standard function that can receive parameters. As it is inside a Python package (a directory with a file, it is a "module" of that package: app.main. You can compare it with the enumeration member in your created enum ModelName: You can get the actual value (a str in this case) using model_name.value, or in general, your_enum_member.value: You could also access the value "lenet" with ModelName.lenet.value. Of course, the idea here is that everyone would access the app through the proxy, so the version with the path prefix /app/v1 is the "correct" one. As FastAPI is actually Starlette underneath, with a layer of several tools on top, you can use Starlette's Request object directly when you need to. In this example, it would convert the Pydantic model to a dict, and the datetime to a str.. Generate but this time at the URL with the prefix path provided by the proxy: /api/v1. Your API almost always has to send a response body. So, we declare the event handler function with standard def instead of async def. OAuth2 scopes Import Enum and create a sub-class that inherits from str and from Enum.. By inheriting from str the Body - Multiple Parameters The IP is commonly used to mean that the program listens on all the IPs available in that machine/server. The Advanced User Guide, builds on this, uses the same concepts, and teaches you some extra features.. You can add multiple body parameters to your path operation function, even though a request can only have a single body.. a By default when OpenAPI-GUI starts, it loads the OpenAPI Petstore sample. Based on open standards. The security_scopes object (of class SecurityScopes) also provides a scope_str attribute with a single string, containing those scopes separated by spaces (we are going to use it). Create a function to be run as the background task. You can return enum members from your path operation, even nested in a JSON body (e.g. If you pass a custom list of servers and there's a root_path (because your API lives behind a proxy), FastAPI will insert a "server" with this root_path at the beginning of the list. The same way you can define a list of Depends in the decorator's dependencies parameter (as explained in Dependencies in path operation decorators), you could also use Security with scopes there. In this example we are using the OAuth2 "password" flow. If you want to disable the OpenAPI schema completely you can set openapi_url=None, that will also disable the documentation user interfaces that use it.. Docs URLs. If you don't select any scope, you will be "authenticated", but when you try to access /users/me/ or /users/me/items/ you will get an error saying that you don't have enough permissions. You can use OAuth2 scopes directly with FastAPI, they are integrated to work seamlessly. So, it involves I/O (input/output), that requires "waiting" for things to be written to disk. Technical Details. Return a Response Directly. async await ,, uvicorn --reload , TechEmpower Uvicorn FastAPI Python web Starlette Uvicorn FastAPI (*), pip install fastapi[all] , Piero MolinoYaroslav Dudin Sai Sumanth Miryala -, Kevin GlissonMarc VilanovaForest Monsen -, Alternatives, Inspiration and Comparisons, INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit), INFO: Started reloader process [28720]. FastAPI API . Because we can trust it to receive the username and password, as we control it. But you should first read the Tutorial - User Guide (what you are reading right now).. It doesn't matter if it has other characters like : or if it is a URL. Because path operations are evaluated in order, you need to make sure that the path for /users/me is declared before the one for /users/{user_id}: Otherwise, the path for /users/{user_id} would match also for /users/me, "thinking" that it's receiving a parameter user_id with a value of "me". So, the frontend (that runs in the browser) would try to reach /openapi.json and wouldn't be able to get the OpenAPI schema. Features FastAPI features. And you can instruct FastAPI to And then it will redirect its requests to your Uvicorn running on By default, what the method .openapi() does is check the property .openapi_schema to see if it has contents and return them. When finished, click "Download" or Copy" to copy the output to your clipboard. Request Body Dependencies in path operation decorators, OAuth2 with Password (and hashing), Bearer with JWT tokens, Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others, Alternatives, Inspiration and Comparisons. -. Your API almost always has to send a response body. It is also built to work as a future reference. Simple OAuth2 with Password and Bearer By default, FastAPI will create a server in the OpenAPI schema with the URL for the root_path. FastAPI As dependencies will also be called by FastAPI (the same as your path operation functions), the same rules apply while defining your functions.. You can use async def or normal def.. And you can declare dependencies with async def inside of normal def path operation functions, or def dependencies inside of async def path operation functions, etc. Create a task function. Generate Clients. Those details are implementation specific. We create an HTTPException that we can re-use (raise) later at several points. Each section gradually builds on the previous ones, but it's structured to separate topics, so that you can go directly to any specific one to solve your specific API needs. The root_path is a mechanism provided by the ASGI specification (that FastAPI is built on, through Starlette). Create an Enum class. Background Tasks As it is inside a Python package (a directory with a file, it is a "module" of that package: app.main. An ORM has tools to convert ("map") between objects in code and database tables ("relations").With an ORM, you normally create a class that represents a table in a SQL database, each attribute of the class The Advanced User Guide, builds on this, uses the same concepts, and teaches you some extra features. And when you open your browser at, you will see an automatic, interactive, API documentation like: Again, just with that same Python type declaration, FastAPI gives you automatic, interactive documentation (integrating Swagger UI). FastAPI In this case, the original path /app would actually be served at /api/v1/app. Custom Request and APIRoute class If you need to mount a sub-application (as described in Sub Applications - Mounts) while also using a proxy with root_path, you can do it normally, as you would expect. Metadata and Docs Deploying a FastAPI application is relatively easy.. What Does Deployment Mean. FastAPI We are going to use FastAPI security utilities to get the username and password.. OAuth2 specifies that when using the "password flow" (that we are using) the client/user must send a username and It's designed so that you can build a complete application with just the Import Enum and create a sub-class that inherits from str and from Enum.. By inheriting from str the FastAPI So, if you run this example and go to, you will see a response of: You can declare the type of a path parameter in the function, using standard Python type annotations: In this case, item_id is declared to be an int. This is a more or less advanced section. But clients don't necessarily need to send request bodies all the time. OpenAPI doesn't support a way to declare a path parameter to contain a path inside, as that could lead to scenarios that are difficult to test and define. For example: In this example, the "Proxy" could be something like Traefik. FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production. Deployment We put that string containing the scopes in the WWW-Authenticate header (this is part of the spec). We also verify that we have a user with that username, and if not, we raise that same exception we created before. You can use OAuth2 scopes directly with FastAPI, they are integrated to work seamlessly.. FastAPI Like /users/me, let's say that it's to get data about the current user. Security is actually a subclass of Depends, and it has just one extra parameter that we'll see later. You can declare path "parameters" or "variables" with the same syntax used by Python format strings: The value of the path parameter item_id will be passed to your function as the argument item_id. It's designed so that you can build a complete application with just the FastAPI . What is OpenAPI for The OpenAPI schema is what powers the two interactive documentation systems included. ; Designed around these standards, after a meticulous study. As the get_current_active_user dependency has as a sub-dependency on get_current_user, the scope "me" declared at get_current_active_user will be included in the list of required scopes in the security_scopes.scopes passed to get_current_user. Each "scope" is just a string (without spaces). Request Body It doesn't return a large str containing the data in JSON format (as a string). FastAPI works with any database and any style of library to talk to the database.. A common pattern is to use an "ORM": an "object-relational mapping" library. What is OpenAPI for The OpenAPI schema is what powers the two interactive documentation systems included. Background Tasks Extending OpenAPI So you can come back and see exactly what you need. the API docs), you can define "security schemes". Dependencies in path operation decorators, OAuth2 with Password (and hashing), Bearer with JWT tokens, Custom Response - HTML, Stream, File, others, Declare scopes in path operations and dependencies, Alternatives, Inspiration and Comparisons, "09d25e094faa6ca2556c818166b7a9563b93f7099f6f0f4caa6cf63b88e8d3e7", "$2b$12$EixZaYVK1fsbw1ZfbX3OXePaWxn96p36WQoeG6Lruj3vjPGga31lW", "$2b$12$gSvqqUPvlXP2tfVFaWK1Be7DlH.PKZbv5H8KnzzVgXXbVxpva.pFm", "Read information about the current user. Then create a path parameter with a type annotation using the enum class you created (ModelName): Because the available values for the path parameter are predefined, the interactive docs can show them nicely: The value of the path parameter will be an enumeration member. Recent Import Enum and create a sub-class that inherits from str and from Enum. That means, all the "dependants" this might sound confusing, it is explained again later below. Including code generation tools for many languages. Technical Details. The "official" way to access the app would be through the proxy with the path prefix that we defined. FastAPI will create the object of type BackgroundTasks for you and pass it as that parameter.. bytesFastAPI bytes . OpenAPI INFO: Application startup complete. Metadata and Docs ; It contains an app/ file. The app directory contains everything. FastAPI Path Parameters As it is inside a Python package (a directory with a file, it is a "module" of that package: app.main. Return a Response Directly Recent FastAPI FastAPI If you are just starting, you can skip it. They will be checked independently for each path operation. -. A response body is the data your API sends to the client.. If you open the API docs, you can authenticate and specify which scopes you want to authorize. And that function get_openapi() receives as parameters: title: The OpenAPI title, shown in the docs. JSON Compatible Encoder Simple OAuth2 with Password and Bearer If you want to disable the OpenAPI schema completely you can set openapi_url=None, that will also disable the documentation user interfaces that use it.. Docs URLs. ; You can disable it by setting docs_url=None. Here we are including it in the message just for demonstration purposes. Generate First Steps For the tutorial, you might want to install it with all the optional dependencies and features: that also includes uvicorn, that you can use as the server that runs your code. And that function get_openapi() receives as parameters: title: The OpenAPI title, shown in the docs. a But clients don't necessarily need to send request bodies all the time. This tutorial shows you how to use FastAPI with most of its features, step by step. - Create a function to be run as the background task. In this exception, we include the scopes required (if any) as a string separated by spaces (using scope_str). These functions are there (instead of just using the classes directly) so that your editor doesn't We are using port 9999 instead of the standard HTTP port 80 so that you don't have to run it with admin (sudo) privileges. Deployment - Intro. Several of these are explored in the next chapters of the tutorial. By validating the data with Pydantic we can make sure that we have, for example, exactly a list of str with the scopes and a str with the username. And now open the URL with the port for Traefik, including the path prefix: As FastAPI is based on the OpenAPI specification, you get automatic compatibility with many tools, including the automatic API docs (provided by Swagger UI).. One particular advantage that is not necessarily obvious is that you can generate clients (sometimes called SDKs) for your API, for many different programming languages.. OpenAPI Client In this case, it requires the scope me (it could require more than one scope). Features Technical Details. Nevertheless, you can still do it in FastAPI, using one of the internal tools from Starlette. There is also an Advanced User Guide that you can read later after this Tutorial - User guide.. Custom Request and APIRoute class This SecurityScopes class is similar to Request (Request was used to get the request object directly). In a case like that (without a stripped path prefix), the proxy would listen on something like, and then if the browser goes to and your server (e.g. Have in mind that the server (Uvicorn) won't use that root_path for anything else than passing it to the app. View the JSON/YAML output at any time by selecting the "Export" tabs. Click an item from the menu on the left to begin editing. FastAPI works with any database and any style of library to talk to the database.. A common pattern is to use an "ORM": an "object-relational mapping" library. And it has an empty file app/, so it is a "Python package" (a collection of "Python modules"): app. First Steps So, you import Query, which is a function.And when you call it, it returns an instance of a class also named Query.. FastAPI a dict) with values and sub-values that are all compatible with JSON. You can check it at But if we access the docs UI at the "official" URL using the proxy with port 9999, at /api/v1/docs, it works correctly! We now verify that all the scopes required, by this dependency and all the dependants (including path operations), are included in the scopes provided in the token received, otherwise raise an HTTPException. Download Traefik, it's a single binary, you can extract the compressed file and run it directly from the terminal. FastAPI Deployment - Intro. Alternatively, if you don't have a way to provide a command line option like --root-path or equivalent, you can set the root_path parameter when creating your FastAPI app: Passing the root_path to FastAPI would be the equivalent of passing the --root-path command line option to Uvicorn or Hypercorn. You could easily add any of those alternatives to your application built with FastAPI. If you run this example and open your browser at, you will see a response of: Notice that the value your function received (and returned) is 3, as a Python int, not a string "3". This would allow you to have a more fine-grained permission system, following the OAuth2 standard, integrated into your OpenAPI application (and the API docs). By default, FastAPI will create a server in the OpenAPI schema with the URL for the root_path. FastAPI API . When you add an example inside of a Pydantic model, using schema_extra or Field(example="something") that example is added to the JSON Schema for that Pydantic model.. And that JSON Schema of the Pydantic model is included in the OpenAPI of your API, and then it's used in the docs UI.. JSON Schema doesn't really have a field example in the standards. Path Parameters and Numeric Validations ". Extending OpenAPI To run any of the examples, copy the code to a file, and start uvicorn with: It is HIGHLY encouraged that you write or copy the code, edit it and run it locally. But if you know you need it, or you are curious, keep reading. FastAPI . But you need file_path itself to contain a path, like home/johndoe/myfile.txt. In that case, the URL would be: /files//home/johndoe/myfile.txt, with a double slash (//) between files and home. When you create a FastAPI path operation you can normally return any data from it: a dict, a list, a Pydantic model, a database model, etc.. By default, FastAPI would automatically convert that return value to JSON using the jsonable_encoder explained in JSON Compatible Encoder. By default when OpenAPI-GUI starts, it loads the OpenAPI Petstore sample. View the JSON/YAML output at any time by selecting the "Export" tabs. Technical Details. a dict) with values and sub-values that are all compatible with JSON. Simple OAuth2 with Password and Bearer. If you have a path operation that receives a path parameter, but you want the possible valid path parameter values to be predefined, you can use a standard Python Enum.. Request Body. And if you select the scope me but not the scope items, you will be able to access /users/me/ but not /users/me/items/. It is just a standard function that can receive parameters. Return a Response Directly. We are going to use FastAPI security utilities to get the username and password.. OAuth2 specifies that when using the "password flow" (that we are using) the client/user must send a username and Create a task function. If it doesn't, it generates them using the utility function at fastapi.openapi.utils.get_openapi. Because the SecurityScopes will have all the scopes declared by dependants, you can use it to verify that a token has the required scopes in a central dependency function, and then declare different scope requirements in different path operations. For simplicity, here we are just adding the scopes received directly to the token. OpenAPI the query parameters are: skip: with a value of 0; limit: with a value of 10; As they are part of the URL, they are "naturally" strings. Request Body. . As FastAPI is based on the OpenAPI specification, you get automatic compatibility with many tools, including the automatic API docs (provided by Swagger UI).. One particular advantage that is not necessarily obvious is that you can generate clients (sometimes called SDKs) for your API, for many different programming languages.. OpenAPI Client This is the one used by the dependencies above. Then, behind the scenes, it would put that JSON-compatible data (e.g. You will still be able to access /status/. And the proxy would be "stripping" the path prefix on the fly before transmitting the request to Uvicorn, keep your application convinced that it is serving at /app, so that you don't have to update all your code to include the prefix /api/v1. You can add multiple body parameters to your path operation function, even though a request can only have a single body.. Generate But by using Security instead of Depends, FastAPI will know that it can declare security scopes, use them internally, and document the API with OpenAPI. In this case, the startup event handler function will initialize the items "database" (just a dict) with some values.. You can add more than one event handler function. Every time you "log in with" Facebook, Google, GitHub, Microsoft, Twitter, that application is using OAuth2 with scopes. Have in mind that a proxy with stripped path prefix is only one of the ways to configure it. It returns a Python standard data structure (e.g. You don't necessarily need to add different scopes in different places. The app directory contains everything. startup By default, FastAPI will create a server in the OpenAPI schema with the URL for the root_path. You can use the same type declarations with str, float, bool and many other complex data types. ; You can disable it by setting docs_url=None. startup And it has an empty file app/, so it is a "Python package" (a collection of "Python modules"): app. OAuth2 scopes. You could easily add any of those alternatives to your application built with FastAPI. Create a function to be run as the background task. When creating path operations, you can find situations where you have a fixed path. Body - Multiple Parameters When finished, click "Download" or Copy" to copy the output to your clipboard. Get the username and password. Technical Details. As FastAPI is based on the OpenAPI specification, you get automatic compatibility with many tools, including the automatic API docs (provided by Swagger UI).. One particular advantage that is not necessarily obvious is that you can generate clients (sometimes called SDKs) for your API, for many different programming languages.. OpenAPI Client UploadFile UploadFile . And your application won't start receiving requests until all the startup event handlers have completed. When you need to send data from a client (let's say, a browser) to your API, you send it as a request body.. A request body is data sent by the client to your API.
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