So, because World Vision works for Mammon, they caved. . the goal is to make them paranoid, docile sheep, no matter where they prefer to rub their fur. FALSTAFF Posted by: ted001 | Oct 6 2022 21:54 utc | 61. uncle tungsten | Oct 6 2022 21:15 utc | 54 Sounds more like a rhetorical question asking why we can't have nice things. Costello himself was dismissed from Sinn Fin after ignoring an order not to stand in local elections or attend meetings of the two local authorities of which he was a member. Posted by: rjb1.5 | Oct 6 2022 18:13 utc | 23. karlof1 | Oct 6 2022 18:11 utc | 22 During World War II, British subject Eddie Chapman, trained by the Germans in sabotage, became a double agent for the British. Posted by: Brother Ma | Oct 6 2022 17:27 utc | 15. people who don't believe in social equality will kill each other over their toilet training issues, since "everybody poops" is merely the name of a tract crapped up by some commie child-corrupting bowel movement or other. if only americans "fighting" over this nonsense had the tiniest effect on them being at war with everyone else on the planet all the time. Since February, the numbers of women signing up keeps growing and growing, she said. Certainly not We the People. That is precisely why US political pressure from Secretary of State Blinken has been so insistent that Germany, Italy and other European countries double down on isolating their economies from trade and investment with Russia, Iran, China and other countries whose growth the US is trying to disrupt., I'm not surprised that the Kremlin's and Hudson's assessment of what German and EU big business will do coincides. It comes as cuts to Russian supplies of gas to Europe amid its war on Ukraine have wreaked havoc on gas and electricity markets. EU has declared such itself it aspires to become a standard setting organisation in all matters. What's happened is what was once considered the advanced portion of humanity was indoctrinated and their reasoning facilities became greatly degraded. We have yet to learn about all the circumstances of what happened. they are just trying to turn kids into clones of themselves. Do read in the context of that other MMT sympathiser, a debt specialist with over half a century of academic, political and corporate experience. In late 1993, a former high-ranking member of the INLA, Peter Stewart, finally admitted that the INLA had killed Ruddy in Paris. gee, amidst all the gender non-comformity (ha ha ha, what a joke), who noticed how Harriet Tubman has became a CIA agent? ga('send', 'pageview'); EU Pushes For More Sanctions Which Will Come Back To Bite It,,>,,,,,, "Michael Hudson: A roadmap to escape the wests stranglehold,, "All Roads (and Railways) Leading to China and the West Aint Happy",,,, The United States and its Western allies simply presume to know better. To be fair, they are not scared of a boy dressed as a man killing the kids they don't have with semi-automatic weaponry in their schools. At the new technological level, old well-established concepts of colonial superiority are being adopted. Official Copenhagen proceeds from the fact that this incident is not an accident, but the result of deliberate actions, and considers it necessary to conduct an international investigation of this incident. Well, as the poet said, "Look out kid; they keep it all hid. Even within Saudi, which is not all that well-controlled by Riyadh. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. Steenson's faction claimed they were the true INLA. We hope that sooner or later there will be forces in the European Union capable of showing respect for the right of states to an independent foreign policy, historical ties and national traditions. At the new technological level, old well-established concepts of colonial superiority are being adopted. Posted by: Opport Knocks | Oct 6 2022 17:58 utc | 19 nice fangs and spittle. I plan container ships out of Tacoma and Vancouver (but not T18/Seattle lately) -- import and export volumes are both starting to drop noticeably, and my last ship in from Asia was conspicuously not full. Proteiros | Oct 7 2022 1:28 utc | 85 Why the big stockpile of containers waiting to go outward to Asia? Their priority was to preserve the INLA as an organisation. Behind the public rhetoric there was deep concern within the IRSP about the commitment of the IRA/Sinn Fin to the H-Block protest; Sinn Fin had voted at its Ard Chomhairle to prohibit cooperation with the IRSP in protest activities in the South and in June 1978 Sinn Fin protests stopped as it emerged the IRA were in secret negotiations with mediators. the real fear is that kids won't sign up for the gender performance called "warfare". Fortnight (232): 18. The P8 was equipped with Mk54 air-launched torpedoes. What's needed is a pragmatic increase in spending on things made in Russia. Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 6 2022 20:08 utc | 42, Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 6 2022 20:09 utc | 43. All major operations were supposed to be sanctioned by the army council. Posted by: ZX | Oct 6 2022 22:54 utc | 70. c. there are plenty of empty containers ready to go to Asia At her Weekly Briefing, Maria Zakharova discussed the UNSC meeting about the pipeline terrorism and its investigation and noted its SOSDD essence. maybe Viola Davis can play the role in a Disney action flick? Yes, true; but, where did you learn those facts? nah, nothing is greater than self-creation thru knowledge. Duffy criticized the INLA leadership stating that "You would imagine if there was a thorough investigation being carried out by the INLA they would have at least came and spoke to me." U.S. or Chinas? As a result of his ill-conceived energy policy, which he called "green", aimed at accelerating the reduction in the consumption of hydrocarbon raw materials, and the unleashed sanctions "war" against our country, the EU faced the problem of energy shortages, a galloping increase in prices for the relevant resources. can't let that happen. That line between tolerance and promotion of .. of giving birth till then. Posted by: David Levin | Oct 4 2022 12:41 utc | 293, Posted by: David Levin | Oct 6 2022 19:58 utc | 41. The commonality in question was their communalism, which was the culture of those jailed in England. Posted by: dfg | Oct 6 2022 18:09 utc | 21. First of all, it is to do away with human rights as best stated in the Declaration of Independence the alternative being kind of digital slavery all around the place. be as anti-Israel as you can be. oh no! Precast concrete structures generally range in cost from $375 to $1,300 per cubic yard. For comparison, in the European Union it is already more than 10%. Like the Ukroids that want to be part of the west. He refused and so Syria became a pariah. AGNOTOLOGY Book Review I never thought you could sex up containers and ports , but there you go. Precast concrete structures generally range in cost from $375 to $1,300 per cubic yard. We wish to issue the following press statement on behalf of the Army Council of the National Liberation Army. The rail yard was active on Saturday. hell to the hell no. Undaunted, the workers carried their strike to the job. (One more time, gotterdammerung.) Even then, no one guarantees that any of the EU members will not block its accession in order to force Belgrade to make concessions on bilateral matters. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action (the final work is called "a painting"). The employment level is considered full. btw, when kids marry who they want, they tend to stop fighting their parents' battles. Households could be paid more than 10 a day for reducing their energy use. Further evidence that the Cold War never ended. "Unthinkable as it may seem, Churchills plan literally won the hearts and minds of US policy makers and military officials. heroism is stealing from one house to plunder another house? From a school text or on your own? We look at the east. I meant I was not accusing Tom Q Collins of anti-semitism but rather was replying to his statement that I was "off topic". In Australia's case, the convicts transported there had more in common with the aborigines than with their jailers, but they weren't allowed to know that truth, just as with the planting in America. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies, A Ukrainian multiple rocket launcher fires a rocket towards Russian positions on a front line in the Kharkiv region. On 27 January INLA prisoners rioted because the INLA Officer Commanding Patsy O'Hara was not permitted by the authorities to see his own men. Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 6 2022 22:04 utc | 62. However, there are two other options you could use to create a similar look to German smear: limewash and whitewash. From January through March 1944, sabotage accounted for three times the number of locomotives damaged by Allied air power. As has happened repeatedly over the decades. I don't know whether this is the study you refer to, but the book Marshall and His Generals seems likely to address the subject of interest. What about the sidelining of the Treasury and takeover of the nation's finances by a group of private bankers in 1913? can't let that happen. This is first-hand information. However, an ideal refilling to make a mortar mix is to take 5 and a half parts of fine white sand, one part of lime, and one part of Portland cement. First, the public's tendency when conflict and chaos is occurring is to be frugal and save your resources, not spend on additional things you don't need--the fundamental moral problem of materialist accumulation related to consumer products. If someone recalls the name or can link would be a help. The Preamble provides the rationale for governance under the 1787 Constitution: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.". the rest of us are trying to stay out of prison or pay the rent. The jobs pay in excess of $100K. Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface (called the "matrix" or "support"). Roadways cross at-grade, and non-port-related commute/commerce traffic directly impedes port traffic. From 1992 to late 2007 a radical environmental activist movement known as ELF or Earth Liberation Front engaged in a near-constant campaign of decentralized sabotage of any construction projects near wildlands and extractive industries such as logging and even the burning down of a ski resort of Vail Colorado. that war is theft of women's labor? Patched up, reinterpreted, but the methodology remained the same. Someone I know works for (=gets support from) "World Vision." These are huge investments that led to the creation of a unique, safe and efficient energy supply system for the European continent. "everybody poops" is not a scientific fact that we should build our society upon. Find the 9 There was no activity at the wharves. [My Emphasis]. the goal is to make them paranoid, docile sheep, no matter where they prefer to rub their fur. his newly married son, whose death brings parents He disappeared in late May 1985, after a meeting with three leading members of the INLA, one of them being John O'Reilly. Very few. I'm tempted to write more, but the topic is highly complex and stereotyping doesn't work because each nation's context differs. The organisation bombed the headquarters of the Parachute Regiment (the main perpetrators of Bloody Sunday) in Aldershot, but killed only five female cleaners, a gardener and an army chaplain. Then, fully refueled, the P8 flew directly back to the USA. For example, Klaus-Peter Sabotta sabotaged German railway lines in the late 1990s in an attempt to extort DM10 million from the German railway operator Deutsche Bahn. The unasked question was as usual, When? A forum is need to reconcile the conflicts between self and social economic interests. There are many examples of physical sabotage in wartime. The US government is providing a new $400m defence assistance package to Ukraine, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has announced. Posted by: Jimmy Flies By | Oct 6 2022 18:50 utc | 29. Thank you. FALSTAFF But be warned: Because you're using mortar, it does not refinish as easily as paint. Given Zakharova's briefing and other Russian sources I've read, Russia assumes a cover up like all those that came before; it's even predicted how it will be done. Did Uncle Sam, a.k.a. Households could be paid more than 10 a day for reducing their energy use. Not to mention Ukraine farmland. Let me remind you that the plane was Malaysian. Its like their opinions dont count. what changes? Obviously, the simpler a structure is, the lower the cost per cubic yard. While I am supportive of the study of agnotology to the extent that it describes and calls out misrepresentation of fact, I believe that studying our social ills is not the solution to resolving systemic and architectural problems. it's not about the rights or wrongs of anything. Posted by: Scorpion | Oct 6 2022 21:22 utc | 56, farm ecologist | Oct 6 2022 20:11 utc | 43., Posted by: unimperator | Oct 7 2022 8:50 utc | 95. As part of their card agreement, merchants were forbidden from passing on that cost to consumers. Unclear what it means in the long term though. INLA Deadly Divisions. let's count the number of times the words "Soros" and "Jew" have occurred just on the latest thread on Ukraine. We have yet to learn about all the circumstances of what happened. public opinion is a resource to be exploited. b. Focus On The News with Senator Richard Black, your home for analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current events in the United States and the world., Posted by: Melaleuca | Oct 6 2022 15:00 utc | 3. Capitalization of words was done for emphasis; take note of what's emphasized and what's not. international Jewry? [22], The Viet Cong used swimmer saboteurs often and effectively during the Vietnam War. And not all of the world's gone mad. It's likely some good info got left out via the editing process. I spoke with Coast Guard, container storage-lot, and (adjacent) ferry operations personnel. By continuing this policy, the European Union, which pays lip service to the rule of law, not only violates these principles, but also literally forces other states to follow the same path. However, there are two other options you could use to create a similar look to German smear: limewash and whitewash. Therefore, they are not interested in Moscow's opinion. European business, tired of the promises of the leaders of the European Union to find some alternative supplies and sources of energy to replace Russian gas, oil, coal, is at a loss and is looking for some "spare airfields". Posted by: laguerre | Oct 6 2022 18:59 utc | 31. Social health care was dramatically weakened already during the covid years with BigPharma making huge inroads , digital-ID with vaccination credits was practically made compulsory. Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 6 2022 23:18 utc | 74. It has already come to the point that in some EU member states plants are being closed, including the largest steel and chemical industries. As the article quoted from below shows US plans, though modified after 1960, involved killing hundreds of millions of people- the bulk of them being eastern europeans, the population of the Warsaw Pact countries over whose 'victimhood' (lack of Levi denims) the 'West' has been shedding crocodile tears for decades. Posted by: Don Bacon | Oct 6 2022 18:45 utc | 27, "Youth in Transition Yes, many debates ensued over these and other issues that attempted to improve the Union, but the opposite occurred instead and the Union became segmented by section. Nobody broaches it.That line between tolerance of what people do in their private lives and massive promotion of everything anti family. Three ships of the Danish Navy are now in the area of the incident - the frigate "Absalon", a patrol ship and an environmental control ship. The problem's a puzzle. The publication did not say how that seemingly exact figure was obtained. If only people stopped saying BITCH, then feminism could win! Photographing people without their permission. This includes those claimed by the "People's Liberation Army" and "People's Republican Army". US chemical companies now own a great deal of western farmland. Against the backdrop of the unprecedented political dependence of eu member states on Washington and their unwillingness to defend their real interests before their "suzerain", the United States inevitably turns out to be the best of the worst options for the transfer of production capacities for European business circles. ~~ Women now account for about 22 percent of Ukraines military, a climb that began with the Russian-backed war in the east starting in 2014 but has soared since Russias full-scale invasion four months ago, according to Kateryna Pryimak, co-founder of Ukrainian Women Veteran Movement. The INLA's main source of arms early on was from sympathizers in the Middle East, from where they imported a contingent of AK-pattern rifles in 1978. Posted by: Cabe | Oct 6 2022 22:15 utc | 67, Below is a book review I created back in 2007, my Almost nakedcapitalism days. Is there any convincing way to debunk a claim that the nord stream bombing is Putin's false flag intended to turn Europe against USA? The Home Army's sabotage operations Operation Garland and Operation Ribbon are just two examples. A sabotage radio was a small two-way radio designed for use by resistance movements in World War II, and after the war often used by expeditions and similar parties. All this is necessary in order to show at least nominal, "on paper" the successes of the Joe Biden administration in the economy and to help the Democrats maintain control over the legislative branch. In the EU sense, it means the recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of the region in violation of the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1244. nah, that's not a big gender performance. There's a lot of other instancies, "rampant" seems an exageration, but I'm new here and the search function on Moa isn't very capable. Torney, with the support of two of his co-accused, called a ceasefire in exchange for favourable treatment by the Irish Government. Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 6 2022 20:08 utc | 42, Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 6 2022 20:09 utc | 43. The SECOND constitutional convention produced the 1787 document. Following on from the spanking the Saudi energy minister issued to Reuters. MH17 is just a small part of the big picture. Why? Because the local library had to make room for more novels about sparkly teen vampires, chaste Mormon teen vampires that is, they dumped a 1953 Arden "Henry 5" into the 5 finger discount bin, last reprinted in the early '80's, in very unread condition. Synonyms for protect include defend, guard, keep, safeguard, secure, shield, harbour, preserve, save and screen. The first constitution of the United States are the Articles of Confederation, signed 1877. Now the games begin as the pols debate what are essential services for Canadas armed forces. It was actually rejected by North Carolina and Rhode Island, which were quite a bit later (1789 and 1790) constrained to accept it, it barely passed in the two big states of New York and Virginia, and there was a lot of popular opposition in Massachusetts as well. [82], In December 2007, disturbances broke out at an INLA parade in the Bogside in Derry between spectators and Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) officers attempting to arrest four of the marchers.[83]. As part of their card agreement, merchants were forbidden from passing on that cost to consumers. This, and only this, enables to exclude the owner. Sometimes it's hard to believe there was a time when that didn't happen, but that as well before the internal combustion engine was invented, although even then one had to critically reason. Because the local library had to make room for more novels about sparkly teen vampires, chaste Mormon teen vampires that is, they dumped a 1953 Arden "Henry 5" into the 5 finger discount bin, last reprinted in the early '80's, in very unread condition. The Preamble provides the rationale for governance under the 1787 Constitution: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.". Posted by: uncle tungsten | Oct 7 2022 9:09 utc | 98. The MI6 frontman couch potato giving talks to nato That disassociation with reality moves into all spheres. Patched up, reinterpreted, but the methodology remained the same. There was unanimity in insider circles that the United States ought to plan to win a nuclear war. Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 6 2022 21:24 utc | 56. In the case of Serbia, such confrontational steps do not meet its national interests, as the country's leadership has repeatedly stated. the real fear is that kids won't sign up for the gender performance called "warfare". Posted by: Stonebird | Oct 6 2022 15:43 utc | 5. > @Mircea_Geoana. Naturally, these amounts, checks, accounts that are signed for the conflict in Ukraine hit the sectors of the real economy. Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 6 2022 21:24 utc | 57. Not just public figures who are professionally engaged in a particular topic, but people who are far from the problem under discussion, who, due to the recognition factor, attract public interest. the real fear is that kids won't sign up for the gender performance called "warfare". . the "gender reveal" party does not care that millions of americans already have no safe place to pee. Heres a BBC journo in an academy award winning performance Bosch's one goal is to homogenize all of humanity into an electronics-devouring indistinguishable goo. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the Group of Seven countries is focusing more of its security support on helping Ukraine protect against Russias attacks on its energy grid. [86] Furthermore, the INLA and Continuity IRA were stated to have co-operated. you are right about "rampant", which is more troll play than anything, with the exception of a few regulars. Thx for the link. Posted by: rjb1.5 | Oct 6 2022 17:22 utc | 12, Posted by: Down South | Oct 6 2022 17:07 utc | 10, I am on the floor laughing .So I guess the secretive gay male orgies will be ok , then? How interesting that he was a student of Edward Teller and started out working on the development of nuclear weapons, but later apostatized from his mentor's position, co-authoring the book as a slam against such weapons.
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