A disorganized mind makes it extremely difficult to remember important information when we need it. Are There Mental Health Benefits to Living in a Small Space? What is the fastest way to clean a cluttered house? You might have to dig through stacks of papers to pay the bills, or maybe you have so many piles of dirty clothes that it feels overwhelming to start the laundry. Have you been injured or do you suffer from a chronic illness? Compulsive shopping and /or accumulation? A simple evaluation can reveal what you need to do in order to remedy the situation. Are they still haunting you? Excessive clutter and disorganization are often symptoms of a bigger health problem. Research shows that people with cluttered homes tend to procrastinate on important tasks. Over-commitment? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I am saying you can choose how to interact with the people around you. Tagged: Mindfulness, Stress Less, Simple Living, An ex-workaholic and recovering hoarder sharing moments + how to reclaim your time, declutter your home, and make space for life. Have you made mistakes in the past? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Youll be more at ease and prepared to deal with any challenge you encounter. Are you holding onto the past (perhaps even living there) by holding onto stuff? It can be challenging to choose what to do because there are too many options on the menu or in the stores. The clutter in your head and heart is just as damaging, if not more so, than the material clutter. It shows you what you want to fill your life and mind with, and what you want to let go of. Resistance? I wrote about managing your news and media intake without going insane last month, so Im not going to go into it in too much detail here. We dwell on what the other person said or did, second guess how we reacted (Would it have been better if I?), and go round and round analyzing the situation. Additionally, youll also be able to genuinely enjoy your favorite activities. Try to organize items based on what you use every dayyou'll want those to be easily accessible, for instance, in the top drawer of your nightstand or in the kitchen cabinet you use most often. 2019;73(7):370-375. doi:10.1111/pcn.12853, Aso Y, Yamaoka K, Nemoto A, et al. Negative behavioral effects for us and our kids. Does it stem from: Overwhelm? Hoarding disorder is also linked with other psychiatric conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Its not a quick fix; theres no magic wand I can wave to banish mental clutter all at once. Potential reasons people hold onto clutter include: Having clutter in your home and having hoarding disorder are two different things; however, it's important to recognize the signs of hoarding in yourself and your loved ones. Once you identify the cause of clutter in your life, you can work to keep clutter from reappearing in your home. But so very often the physical clutter is caused by whats happening in our head and heart, so self analysis is really critical. Procrastination? Does depression make you not want to clean your house? Its not impossible to change this though. Our brain is like a muscle; it goes down paths its used to taking before. Just like someone who is suffering from OCD and has to control everything, being a messy person might show that they are dealing with depression or some other mental illness. When the brain changes the way it works, it might result in a mental illness. Or tackle a single drawer or cabinet. We may purchase anything from a car to cleaning supplies by using an electronic mouse. Do you lack access to certain spaces in your home (i.e., you can't open the door to your basement or park in your garage)? Why do I get so angry when my house is messy? Genetics, brain functioning and stressful life events are being studied as possible causes. When things happen to them early in their. Therefore, it is crucial to get rid of all the clutter that contributes to your tension. 2016;43(2):151-162. doi:10.1177/0146167216676480, Mathews CA, Uhm S, Chan J, et al. 1. You most likely didn't accumulate all of your possessions in one day, so chances are, you're not going to declutter everything in one day, either. It has been characterized as the science of knowing and [], Our negative thoughts might arise from a variety of places, including basic beliefs that weve developed through time. There's also the option of selling items that are in good condition. While low self-esteem may play a small part in any of the previously listed causes of hoarding, depression or low self-esteem in and of itself can cause a person to react in erratic ways. Their lifestyle impacts on family and friends 6. Try reframing your thinking and instead allowing them to scare you, learn from them. Kristen Fuller is a physician, a successful clinical mental health writer, and author. when we overstuff our rooms with more items than we actually require We occupy our minds with worry. According to Dr. Brown, cleaning your space may help reduce your cortisol levels, turn down the volume on the visual noise, and help you focus on the things you need to, and that could potentially improve your mood. Making a list of everything that needs to be done and then doing it in the appropriate manner is one method to approach this. Is a messy house a sign of mental illness? Its better to act and learn from the experience than continually put it off. Information overload. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, chances are you have some degree of clutter in your home: Clutter can even be digitalmaybe you never get around to clearing out your email inbox or organizing the documents on your laptop. When it comes to physical stuff, Ive learned to simplify by seeing whats there, deciding what to keep and let go of, being mindful of the new stuff I bring in my space, and taking breaks to recharge in between. Has a poor quality of life because of the clutter 5. I touched on what this is before, but in short, its having too much information to process, which leads to feeling mentally drained. But, by becoming aware of how much clutter you have and whether you experience any stress as a result, you'll be better able to discern if there's an opportunity for you to modify your physical space and improve your mental health. by Kelly Jayne McCann | May 17, 2012 | Clear Your Clutter, Organizing & Decluttering, Stress Reduction & Happiness | 2 comments. Do you dig through piles of clothes to find the shirt you want to wear for the day? Are afraid to let go of what was? Resolving them will go a long way towards calming your mind. Are any of these root causes yours? According to research, being disorganized or having clutter has a cumulative effect on our brains. Are they still haunting you? Do a 10-minute thought download. Clutter Causes Distraction. It's also possible this is a clutter cause if you are spending too much time on social media. We will identify what causes our mental clutter. But years of this drama have shown me a hard truth, friend: its much much easier to just sit with the scary feelings. Its a tricky way to refocus energy and use a natural tendency to create change. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. youll regret letting go of something and then need it again? Mental clutter can be caused by busyness, stress, indecisiveness or worry. an extra article I dont share anywhere else on the internet, an inside look as I go from hoarder to minimalist (there are pictures). Clutter also makes it easy to get distracted, because it's visually disruptive. And when we live our days differently from what we value, we feel bad: anger, anxiety, discontent. Expectations. Mental clutter is not the same as physical clutter, although there is absolutely some overlap. When . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The sooner you get over this fear, the faster youll be free from the burden of self-doubt and able to live a life full of joy and worth. Shame might mean you feel flushed all over. Reward yourself for your efforts. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Are you afraid that youll lose memories of someone or something if you get rid of associated physical objects? There are tons of TV shows, books, podcasts, and articles on decluttering. Decluttering your mind is a lot of work. Another reason why it is so hard to declutter is because people find security in owning stuff. But extreme clutter (as seen in the living room at left) is evidence of hoarding, a serious psychological condition that's been linked to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - and which requires some form of intervention. If you are you can started for free with the complimentary e-course that will. Just looking at the amount of files you have on your computer might overwhelm you. It can be things you want to do, things youre grateful for, things you did today that youre proud of, your favorite things Anything goes. Feelings of shame or inadequacy lead to depression. Fear might give you the chills. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 8. Fear It's often easiest to start with items that can be thrown away, like expired food, old cosmetics, or anything that's broken and cannot be fixed. Important: Letting go of expectations doesnt mean tolerating situations or people that repeatedly hurt. Where does your clutter come from? Most of the time, our lives have been influenced by anxiety, prior traumas, and interpersonal difficulties. Daily Task. By addressing one you will most likely will be addressing them all. If you want to learn more, I wrote about how you can start taking breaks (especially when you feel like you cant relax and have no time). Mental Clutter causes stress and stress is ultimately the cause of illness, so instead you could: Change the 'shoulds' to 'coulds'; taking pressure off 'having' to get things done. Except Ive found they dont really hurt. Takeaway: Know where your headspace is at. One-quarter of Americans cop to having a clutter problem. Hardly surprising then, that the average home contains 300,000 items. Depression. Are afraid to let go of what was? Journaling helps me hash out my racing thoughts and feelings. Doing Too Much, Staying Too Busy. I gently remind you to recharge, friend. Your life should not be lived in this manner. Maybe you can't open the garage door all the way because there are so many boxes of knick-knacks in there. We find ourselves switching between thoughts, from What about that news from Florida? to I need to send that email to That Instagram caption! to Where does Meghan Markle live? in a moment. Were tired/sleepy/sick/not our best selves, so you know what? Mental clutter can negatively impact your career, relationships and life. When it comes to allowing clutter in our heads, multitasking may be the primary source. What and who matters to you? But you can set boundaries on what you disagree on, listen and respond clearly about each others needs, and meet in the middle. Theres a connection we can use to help clear your mental clutter. Anxiety might give you a funny feeling in your stomach. What happens when you declutter your life? Decluttering is about minimizing the chaos in your life. Research charities and other organizations that accept donations. After sitting with them for a bit, you realize where theyre coming from and why you feel this way. Those woulda, coulda, shoulda thoughts lead to getting caught up in our own heads. Procrastination. Once again, you may find it helpful to dedicate regular time to tidying up. Keep in mind there may be multiple causes, often that is the case. Keep in mind there may be multiple causes, often that is the case. David Susman, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist with experience providing treatment to individuals with mental illness and substance use concerns. This is usually a side affect of all the other reasons. If you are you can started for free with the complimentary e-course that will help you declutter, simplify and organize your life. Get them onto a reminder app and note exactly when youre getting back to them. The key to building more mental muscle involves decluttering your mind of those mental habits that are keeping you stuck. An Australian-U.S. study conducted by Lenny Vartarian et al. For instance, someone with perfectionist tendencies is likely to be more stressed out by clutter. Mental clutter includes anything that enters into our lives that causes us to feel burdened by thelist of things to do. Your values are a simple guide to clearing mental clutter. But the fact is thats highly unlikely. Take a look at how your relationships affect your mental state. You will be able to see how demanding the entire process can be on both you and your family psychologically and emotionally. More often than not we dont take time to address what the changes mean we keep doing what weve always done. Identifying the causes of mental clutter will allow you to address and manage it. Potential reasons people hold onto clutter include: They feel overwhelmed: It's often a huge job to get rid of things, which can be both physically and mentally exhausting. Has your life changed in some significant way? Psychology says that messiness can indeed be a sign that a person is having trouble. Have you made mistakes in the past? Clutter can also induce a physiological response, including increased . In order to keep us interested and prevent a break from our hectic lifestyle, we are continually blasted with the most recent information. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. Try to reduce the amount of work you have to do by taking on fewer responsibilities. 1. Clutter bombards our minds with excessive stimuli (visual, olfactory, tactile), causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren't necessary or important. ), freebies and specials to help you live simply, and resources you might enjoy 2-3 times a month. If youve had a child, downsized, gotten a time consuming job then clutter could be side effect. Feels unable to discard everyday items 1. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Are you afraid to have houseguests over because of the messy state of your home? Potential reasons people hold onto clutter include: They feel overwhelmed: Its often a huge job to get rid of things, which can be both physically and mentally exhausting. You start to see the energy you use for negative self-talk and second guessing yourself is better off going into brainstorming solutions. These are things like sending a text message or putting the dishes away. What is the difference between hoarding and clutter? Here you really need to cut yourself as much slack as you can. Additionally, complaining and nagging might destabilize the mind. According to Psychology Today , clutter causes stress in part because of its excessive visual . Understand That Organizing is Not the Answer. Its hard to delete newsletters if you fear that theres a nugget of gold you may be missing. Blaming or shaming yourself will not change your situation, and you're not alone if you're overwhelmed by the number of possessions you have. Because they produce anxiety and tension, which in turn cause us to feel angry, depressed, and miserable, they are the cause of the unpleasant emotions that we experience within. I learned this from Sam Laura Brown (heres a video showing how to start). According to Psychology Today, clutter causes stress in part because of its excessive visual stimuli. Remember, your time is as valuable as anyones. Daily Stress, Paradox of Choice, Too Much Stuff & Negativity Bias are main reasons of Mental Clutter which need Rectification Asap ! Just making the decision to not deal with them now and documenting to do so on a specific date instead keeps us from worrying well forget the things were waiting to do. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. If this is you, give yourself space to move through and deal with the situation. Awareness is the first step in creating a clutter free life. You probably already sensed this, maybe in your own home. There might be added strain in a relationship if your clutter is an annoyance to the person you're living with. Reflect on your values, learn to sit with hard emotions, and journal about whats on your mind. One of the primary ways that clutter affects your mental health is that cluttered spaces make you feel more stressed. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The. Although recent research has veered . They dont feel good, and they stress us out. The time you spend looking for objects you need or attempting to organize your items could be time spent with loved ones, doing some self-care, or even just relaxing.
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