Sudden cardiac death typically occurs in patients who have already suffered damage to the heart through previous MIs although it can occur in patients who previously seemed to have healthy arteries. One subject acknowledged that their behaviour had been risky, saying, Im a chancer and I know Im a chancer . Support for the HAPA The individual components of the HAPA have been tested providing some support for the model. This transition from lapse to relapse and the associated changes in mood and cognitions is illustrated in Figure 6.8. not buying unhealthy foods and bringing them into the house). Lau et al. Stereotypes are sometimes seen as problematic and as confounding the decision-making process. Such research has raised questions concerning both the definition of patient centredness and its assessment which has resulted in a range of methodological approaches. This involves challenging biomedical assumptions such as the mindbody split. The treatment alternatives The problems with dieting The implications of restraint theory suggest that the obese should avoid restrained eating. The study measured social cognitive variables including self-efficacy, social norms and added additional cognitive variables including preferences and outcome expectations. frequency and amount drunk) and the factors that determine the drinking (e.g. How theory can be used to inform practice will now be explored. In line with this latter finding, some interventions have directly challenged how people cope with stressful situations. When using the new amended HBM, the model would also predict that a woman would attend for screening if she is confident that she can do so and if she is motivated to maintain her health. Third (and the explanation preferred by the authors) the WHO model is too simplistic. Some pain seems to have no underlying cause and functions to hinder rather than to help a person carry on with their lives. 1996). First, it was observed that medical treatments for pain (e.g. Research is needed to explore how women experience expectant management as it becomes the more normal approach used. The results showed that the precontemplators reported most barriers and the least need for closure and to reduce uncertainty. They included interpersonal and situational factors as a means to place the individuals 181 08 health848.ch08 182 16/4/07 2:55 pm Page 182 CHAPTER 8 SEX cognitions within the context of the relationship and the broader social world. (1995) suggested that a close relationship between mother and daughter may result in an enmeshed relationship and problems with separation in adolescence. These data suggest that many individuals do report using condoms, although not always on a regular basis. The physical benets of exercise Longevity Paffenbarger et al. One theory that has been developed is that, although the obese may not eat more than the nonobese overall, they may eat proportionally more fat. Pennebaker also reported that symptom perception is related to an individuals attentional state and that boredom and the absence of environmental stimuli may result in over-reporting, whereas distraction and attention diversion may lead to under-reporting (Pennebaker 1983). Is it possible that beliefs that predict and explain behaviour are different to those that change behaviour? For example, a smoker who has been identified as being at the preparation stage would receive a different intervention to one who was at the contemplation stage. 12 health848.ch12 16/4/07 3:00 pm Page 275 THE GATE CONTROL THEORY OF PAIN What closes the gate? This edited collection provides further detailed description and analysis of a range of areas central to health psychology. People of average weight usually have about 2535 billion fat cells, which are designed for the storage of fat in periods of energy surplus and the mobilization of fat in periods of energy deficit. 1969). they loved their partner as opposed to losing their virginity) and having parents who portrayed sexuality positively. Although this intensive screening and intervention did result in changes in risk for coronary heart disease in the correct direction, Wood et al. Such treatments were fairly ineffective for treating chronic pain (i.e. . Social support What is social support? Twin studies. Schwarzer (1992) argued that the HAPA bridges the gap between intentions and behaviour and emphasizes self-efficacy, both in terms of developing the intention to act and also implicitly in terms of the cognitive stage of the action stage, whereby self-efficacy promotes and maintains action plans and action control, therefore contributing to the maintenance of the action. Psychological factors are important not only for attitudes and beliefs about HIV and the resulting behaviour, but may also be involved in an individuals susceptibility to contracting the virus, the replication of the virus once it has been contracted and their subsequent longevity. 6 These viral particles bud off and infect new cells. In the Boston area specifically, average salaries fall at just over $90,000. Sheeran et al. Cognitive responses Research has also examined cognitive responses to cancer and suggests that a fighting spirit is negatively correlated with anxiety and depression while fatalism, helplessness and anxious preoccupation are related to lowered mood (Watson et al. Who eats a healthy diet? For shipments to locations outside of the U.S., only standard shipping is available. 1 There are very different theoretical perspectives on addictive behaviours which colour research in terms of theory, methods and interpretation. The results from the General Household Survey (1993) provided some further insights into changes in condom use in Britain from 1983 to 1991 (see Figure 8.3). In addition, there is also an increasing recognition that exercise that can be included in a persons daily life may be the way to create maximum health benefits. In terms of gender differences, the results showed that the women in this sample reported more healthy eating practices than the men. Background Research suggests that stress may influence health either via changes in health-related behaviour and/or via a physiological pathway. Therefore, although the actual risk of the treatment was the same in all four conditions, the ways of presenting this risk varied and this resulted in a variation in patient uptake. (1988) used a preload/taste test methodology to examine 145 06 health848.ch06 2:52 pm Page 146 CHAPTER 6 EATING BEHAVIOUR restrained eaters eating behaviour. and Are changes in immune functioning predictive of changes in health? (i.e. 1993), blood cholesterol (Gill et al. She reported that these women responded to their cancer in three ways. 1995, 1998). In contrast, Prettyman et al. World Languages, Agriculture and Forestry reappraisal of coping strategies), decisional control (e.g. Ive been looking for something good in what is happening) self-distraction (e.g. The relationship between selfreports of life events and causal models of illness is an interesting area of research. In addition, the results suggest that, although social support may act as a mediating factor, it is itself related to employment status, with individuals gaining social support from work colleagues. An additional solution to the problem of sex education is a skills training approach recommended by Abraham and Sheeran (1993). This theoretical perspective will be described in the context of their results from women who had recently had breast cancer (Taylor et al. 1995; Ogden 2000), other studies show the reverse effect (Wadden et al. In particular, it has highlighted a role for the mother and suggested that mothers who are dissatisfied with their own bodies communicate this to their daughters which results in the daughters own body dissatisfaction. In addition, the transition from lapse to relapse in both alcohol and eating behaviour has been found to be related to the internal attributions (e.g. In terms of their study of women with breast cancer, Taylor et al. What is HIV? This can lead to contradictory ndings or research that simply supports the ideological position of those involved. This second criticism has resulted in research exploring the intentionbehaviour gap. Perhaps simply looking for group differences hides the effect of other psychological causes. Business Statistics & Analytics Screening is a form of secondary prevention. Demographic characteristics In addition, subjects completed questions about their age, social class, marital status and religion. These cessation procedures include: aversion therapies, contingency contracting, cue exposure, self-management techniques and multi-perspective cessation clinics: 1 Aversion therapies aim to punish smoking and drinking rather than rewarding it. The prevalence of obesity has increased at a rate unrelated to the overall decrease in calorie consumption. Think about how psychological factors such as behaviour, beliefs and coping influenced their state of health. The GCT and the subsequent attempts at evaluating the different components of pain perception reflect a three-process model of pain. (2002) communication and the role Marteau, T.M. This is surprising given the central place that perception is given in the stress response. This explains how exercise can be protective in the longer term but a danger for an at-risk individual. Free shipping. It then discusses the relationship between illness cognitions, symptom perception and coping behaviour. Forty-three female students who scored higher than the cut-off point on the Beck depression inventory (BDI) were randomly allocated to one of three groups: (1) aerobic exercise group (one hour of exercise, twice a week for ten weeks); (2) placebo group (relaxation); (3) no treatment. Coping skills Appraisal-focused Problem-focused Emotion-focused 03 health848.ch03 16/4/07 2:47 pm Page 63 STAGE 2: COPING Illness-related tasks Dealing with pain and other symptoms Dealing with the hospital environment and treatment procedures Developing and maintaining relationships with health professionals General tasks Preserving an emotional balance Preserving self-image, competence and mastery Sustaining relationships with family and friends Preparing for an uncertain future Table 3.1 Adaptive tasks The three illness-specific tasks can be described as: 1 Dealing with pain, incapacitation and other symptoms. Generalization occurs when the withdrawal symptoms from a period of abstinence from an addictive behaviour act as cues for further behaviour. In the UK, by the end of 2004, 58,000 people were living with HIV. and Reynolds, K.D. These two core dimensions of necessity and concerns have been shown to describe peoples beliefs about anti-retroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS (Cooper et al. He also argues that this selectivity is compounded by egocentrism: individuals tend to ignore others risk-decreasing behaviour (my friends all practise safe sex but thats irrelevant). French, Maissi et al. It highlights the pos a specific behaviour. responses to an open question about the cause of the MI), cued attributions (i.e. Perhaps in the next edition I may even add a chapter on mens health who knows! Connect may be assigned as part of your grade. 1984; Sutton et al. . These include Argentina, Peru, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Thailand, Poland and Portugal. Agreement with such statements is an indication of high hostility. However, if given the opportunity to self-affirm in another domain of their lives, then their need to become defensive is reduced. This suggests that even when condoms are used they are not always used in the most effective way. Criticisms of the HBM The HBM has been criticized for these conflicting results. of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle Health Psychology shows great potential both as a research area and a profession, and the careful planning of good quality research and of appropriately structured training programs if imperative if this potential is to be realised. The models describe associations between variables which assume causality. Other research has examined their impact on recovery from illnesses including stroke and myocardial infarction (MI heart attack). Health psychology : a textbook Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. For example: If psychological factors are important in the cause of illness they may also have a role in its treatment. From this perspective, ethnicity may relate to body dissatisfaction, but only when ethnicity is also accompanied by a particular set of beliefs. (2001) followed the steps outlined earlier to identify salient beliefs about safety helmet wearing for children. 01 health848.ch01 16/4/07 2:40 pm Page 7 WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THIS BOOK? (1991) examined changes in sexual behaviour in 340 heterosexual men and women and prostitutes. (2002) Self regulation and self management in asthma: exploring the role of illness perceptions and treatment beliefs in explaining non adherence to preventer medication, Psychology and Health, 17: 1732. Respondent methods. In one study, Pill and Stott (1982) reported that working-class mothers were more likely to see illness as uncontrollable and to take a more fatalistic view of their health. results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for The study used a prospective design with 38 consecutive patients completing measures of mood (anxiety and depression), self-esteem, well-being and disability at time of diagnosis and after six weeks. Cognitive state: items were included to examine two types of cognitive state, which were hypothesized to trigger overeating. a poor working environment causes high stress). Symptoms are more than just a sensation. For example, Antoni et al. It also constitutes a large proportion of the surgical work load for gynaecology in the UK (MacKensie and Bibby 1978). Discuss the extent to which factors other than biological ones may have contributed to your illness. I can survive being offered a cigarette by reminding myself that I am a non-smoker). For example, smoking doctors have been shown to spend more time counselling about smoking than their non-smoking counterparts (Stokes and Rigotti 1988). A trained clinical health psychologist would tend to work within the field of physical health, including stress and pain management, rehabilitation for patients with chronic illnesses (e.g. 341 15 health848.ch15 3:03 pm Page 342 CHAPTER 15 OBESITY AND CORONARY HEART DISEASE What effect does exercise have on energy expenditure? Ogden et al. Early research using the SRE in this way showed some links between individuals SRE score and their health status. According to Masters and Johnson, sexual pleasure could be improved by education and sex therapy and again their research suggested that masturbation was an essential component of sexuality sex was for pleasure, not for reproduction. Drug treatments of obesity Drug therapy is only legally available to patients in the UK with a BMI of 30 or more and government bodies have become increasingly restrictive on the use of anti-obesity drugs. An early pioneer Developmental model Exposure Social learning Association Eating behaviour Weight concern Meaning of food Meaning of weight Body dissatisfaction Dieting Cognitive models Beliefs Attitides Values Figure 6.2 A developmental, cognitive and weight concern model of eating behaviour 06 health848.ch06 16/4/07 2:52 pm Page 131 DEVELOPMENTAL MODELS OF EATING BEHAVIOUR of this research was Davis (1928, 1939), who carried out studies of infants and young children living in a paediatrics ward in the USA for several months. Uncontrollable events. A meta-analysis of the experimental evidence, Psychological Bulletin, 132: 24968. 187 08 health848.ch08 188 16/4/07 2:55 pm Page 188 CHAPTER 8 SEX 2 Denying risk. For example, after Eytons The F Plan Diet was launched by the media in 1982 which recommended a high-fibre diet, sales of bran-based cereals rose by 30 per cent, whole-wheat bread rose by 10 per cent, whole-wheat pasta rose by 70 per cent and baked beans rose by 8 per cent. The World Health Organization (1947) defined good health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. How does stress cause illness? Smoking abstainers also describe their desire for a cigarette in similar ways, again using language such as emptiness, agitation and light-headedness. The results showed that at six months follow-up, those receiving the intervention showed better disability recovery than those in the control group. Third, and related to the above, these contradictory results may reflect the contradictory nature of parental control, with parental control being a more complex construct than acknowledged by any of the existing measures. However, research 11 health848.ch11 16/4/07 2:57 pm Page 257 COPING indicates that the effectiveness of the coping style depends upon the nature of the stressor. This may reflect the individuals behavioural state (e.g. 1994). Physiological measurements were taken continuously throughout. In an alternative approach to assessing the relationship between activity and obesity a large Finnish study of 12,000 adults examined the association between levels of physical activity and excess weight gain over a five-year follow-up period (Rissanen et al. The authors recruited East German migrants who were living in temporary accommodation in West Berlin. Social cognition models have also been developed in an attempt to address individuals representations of this world their normative beliefs. I had a bath and my headache went away). Faulkner, G.E.J. (2004) of health professionals health Mead, N. and Bower, P. (2000) beliefs Roter, D.L., Steward, M., Putnam, S.M. The term stress means many things to many different people. Using a battery of tasks to elicit stress in the laboratory and ambulatory machines to assess stress reactivity in real life, they concluded that physiological measures taken in the laboratory concord if the following conditions are met: the field measure is taken continuously; the analysis takes into account physical activity levels (as this produces a similar response to the stressor); and when the laboratory task involves active coping such as a video game rather than a passive coping task such as the cold pressor task (i.e. This fourth edition incorporates a number of substantive new topics, including a new chapter on women's health, as well as opportunities for the reader to critically examine key conceptual and methodological issues within each chapter. The results indicated that catastrophizing independently predicted both pain intensity and disability regardless of age and gender. Modiable predictors of exercise Dishman et al. 93 04 health848.ch04 94 16/4/07 2:49 pm Page 94 CHAPTER 4 HEALTH PROFESSIONALPATIENT COMMUNICATION AND THE ROLE OF HEALTH BRIEFS Roter, D.L., Stewart, M., Putnam, S.M., Lipkin, M., Stiles, W. and Inui, T.S. Results The results were analysed to examine the characteristics of both the safe and unsafe encounter and to evaluate any differences. These are therefore described within each specific chapter. The results showed that, while people were aware of many possible causes of MI, they tended to focus on a single cause for their MI which was often related to their symptoms. Further, Johnson (1986) has also suggested that stress increases accidents at home, at work and in the car. A similar study in Leeds also provided support for the fat proportion theory of obesity (Blundell and Macdiarmid 1997). Illness cognitions For a placebo to have an effect, the individual needs to hold particular beliefs about their illness. There is some exciting new research under way in health psychology and it is important that students are exposed to new studies and understand that health psychology is a dynamic discipline. 2001), about chronic disease and the role of stress (Heijmans et al. The phrasing of such a question would very much reflect the individual beliefs of the doctor, which in turn influenced the choices of the patients. . According to social learning theory, this would result in the cues to smoking (e.g. ., which presents studies addressing the patients experience. It is an interesting study as it presents a clear picture of what it is like to suffer chronic pain and illustrates how this ongoing problem challenges peoples sense of who they are. The notions of process or strategy tends to reflect a state perspective suggesting that people cope in different ways depending upon the time of their life and the demands of the situation. 2 Obesity is a product of biological factors (e.g. The stress buffering hypothesis has also been described using role theory. In a similar vein, Brewer et al. Karaseks job demand and control model suggests that high job demands and low job autonomy (control) predict coronary heart disease. 1993). These developments included the emergence of psychosomatic medicine, behavioural health, behavioural medicine and, most recently, health psychology. Operant conditioning The rules of operant conditioning state that the probability of behaviour occurring is increased if it is either positively reinforced by the presence of a positive event, or negatively reinforced by the absence or removal of a negative event. Using the PMT If applied to dietary change, the PMT would make the following predictions: information about the role of a high fat diet in coronary heart disease would increase fear, increase the individuals perception of how serious coronary heart disease was (perceived severity), and increase their belief that they were likely to have a heart attack (perceived susceptibility/susceptibility). (1994) also examined the psychological state of 78 gay men who had been diagnosed with AIDS in terms of their self-reported health status, psychological adjustment and psychological responses to HIV, well-being, self-esteem and levels of hopelessness. in brief Myers 2000). These interviews were then classified according to whether the individual had managed to find meaning in the death in line with Taylors cognitive adaptation theory of coping (Taylor 1983) (see Chapter 3). Psychological predictors of smoking initiation In an attempt to understand smoking initiation and maintenance, researchers have searched for the psychological and social processes that may promote smoking behaviour. Publisher For example, contraception has been characterized as: coitus independent (the pill) or coitus dependent (the condom) reliable (the pill, condom) or unreliable (rhythm method) female controlled (the pill, IUD) or male controlled (the condom) prescription based (the pill, IUD) or prescription independent (the condom). Within this context, social support is defined as either emotional support, involving trust between colleagues and social cohesion, or instrumental social support, involving the provision of extra resources and assistance. To further the understanding of the process of interaction, some research has used qualitative methods and has focused on negotiation between people. Given that all treatments have side effects raises the question Should obesity be treated at all? The answer seems to be that it should be treated as long as the costs and benefits of any intervention are assessed and both physical and psychological consequences are taken into account. Andersen et al. Although there is some evidence to support rapid smoking as a smoking-cessation technique, it has obvious side effects, including increased blood carbon monoxide levels and heart rates. In particular, the literature highlights a role for a range of variables which can be conceptualized as profile characteristics, historical factors, help-seeking behaviours and psychological factors. Finally, in terms of the relationship between coherence, beliefs and intentions the results showed that greater intentions, to quit smoking were predicted by greater coherence, greater perceptions of severity, higher response efficacy and higher self-efficacy. The direct and indirect pathways are illustrated in Figure 1.2. Conceptual, methodological and theoretical approach theory is discussed in detail for smoking cessation within large of Cancer further reading a list of useful essays, articles, books and research which can described Stages is related to a reliance on medication interaction is exacerbated by the sex literature relate to from! Further reading 2 the problem ( e.g be behavioural, such as self-efficacy, attitudes the Distorting mirror ( Brodie et al, factors such as remembering why they are acute events goals! Although the GCT suggests some degree of tissue damage causes the sensation of pain called moral. Poor health in East German migrants who were either employed ( n 47 ),,! Books offers clear instructions about how to act a complicated interaction with other cognitions in the. 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