The girls unclenched their fists again proof positive that they were indeed faking. 300 seconds. However, the court wanted to make sure their reactions were genuine, so they had the girls blindfolded and touched by other members of the court. What was the offical day of prayer for after the trials? This caused her to be accused of not only conspiring with the witches, but also of being a witch herself. What comes immediately to mind is the hideous and completely unfound legal proceedings based mostly on superstition, irrational paranoia, Puritanism-fueled mass hysteria, and deceptionwhich resulted in 19 wrongful executions, each one hanged, burned, or drowned for some ill-fated finger-pointing. This seems simple enough. The Swimming (or Dunking) Test: The accused witches were bound by their wrists and ankles and dropped into a body of water. Others wielded specially designed needles sharp on one end, blunted on the other. John Proctor (age 60): Made his skepticism of the trials known. But wouldnt you know it: Whenever either of the older women touched the girls, their hands sprang open. They believed that regardless of the amount of power and control that God had over everyone, The Devil still had the ability to control people who were weak and easily manipulated to feed into his evil temptations. A non-reaction signaled innocence, but if the victim came out of their fit, it was seen as proof that the suspect had placed them under a spell. More than two hundred people were accused. Sure, it sounds like something from an episode of The Food Networks Halloween Wars. But witch cake was actually a confection whipped up to suss out Satan followers. The cake, then, was effectively a voodoo doll of herself in a way. Witch-hunters often had their suspects stripped and publically examined for signs of an unsightly blemish that witches were said to receive upon making their pact with Satan. Photo by jjandames CC BY 2.0. Those tests were very similar to the next common test, The Touch Test: The accused person would simply touch their victims, and if the victims felt any sort of pain, they were deemed to be a witch. Old drawing of the death of Giles Corey (September 19, 1692). This religion was also very discriminatory towards women, as around 78% of all accused witches were women. This is also an effective means to brainwash someone into believing a lie, anything to make the inhumanity cease. Witch Finder General, from a broadside published by Matthew Hopkins before 1650. Put to the test: In 1662, two elderly English women, Rose Cullender and Amy Denny, were charged with bedeviling a pair of girls, who responded by clenching their fists so tightly during seizures, their digits couldnt be pried apart. a) 95: c) 140 : b) 64: d) None of the above : 2. 7 Bizarre Witch Tests That Were Basically Impossible To Pass December 3, 2020 The Cursed Touch Witch Test Pixabay A person could be accused of being a witch if someone claimed that they fell ill and then were healed after that person touched them. Though Wenham would be found guilty, Powell set aside her conviction, suspending the death penalty. The Salem Witch Trials were a series of hearings of people accused of witchcraft between 1692 and 1693 in the Salem, Massachusetts area. George Burroughs (age early 40s): Previously the minister of Salem Village, arrested in Maine and brought back to Salem for trial. All Rights Reserved. 19 2. Grid View Contrary to popular belief, most of the women tried as witches during the year-long Salem Witch trials were not burned at the stake. Related Video: 13 Victorian Vulgarities everyone should know: Another lose-lose proposition. The children had been suffering from fits that left their fists clenched so tightly that even a strong man could not pry their fingers apart, but early tests showed they easily opened whenever Cullender or Denny touched them. Public Domain. The cake would then be fed to a dog, and if the dog portrayed the same symptoms as the accused, the accused would be deemed a witch. Within just three months, a lot of damage was inflicted on the villagers of Salem Town, so much to the point where the community never really recovered from it. Not surprisingly, most were con artists who used sleight of hand to expose witchery. A Word of Caution Salem Witchcraft Trials Prayer Test Salem Witch Trial A common misconception is that those practicing "magical" witchcraft are witches. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! If witch-hunters struggled to find obvious evidence of witchs marks on a suspects body, they might resort to the ghastly practice of pricking as a means of sussing it out. . 8th - 9th grade . What comes immediately to min. The Horrifying Tests used in Salem to Determine if a Woman was a Witch, Barbara Stepko, The Vintage News, Oct 23, 2018. The practice was apparently a well-known folk practice in English culture of the time. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Of course there was nothing to stop accusers of making up stories just to see people they disliked or deemed strange taken away. Bridget Bishop (around age 60): The first to be tried and executed. Sarah Good was accused due to her reputation of scolding children too harshly and often muttering angrily under her breath. Puritans believed that God had the ultimate power and had power over everyones lives, and the Puritan Religion revolved around the good nature of God, and the wickedness of the devil. George Jacobs Sr. (age early 70s): Arrested along with his granddaughter, who was spared after accusing him. Touch tests played a famous part in the 1662 trial of Rose Cullender and Amy Denny, two elderly English women charged with bewitching a pair of young girls. It all started with Betty Parris and her cousin Abigail Williams (ages 9 & 11), the daughter and niece of Reverend Samuel Parris. The performance was dismissed as a devils trick, and the hanging proceeded as planned. 15 minutes ago by. Witches were believed to have rebuffed the Christian sacrament of baptism, so it was thought that water would "reject" them, forcing them to float to the surface like an inflatable pool toy whereas, the innocent would sink helplessly to the depths below. Quiz. An accused witch in the Salem witch trials. Martha Corey, illustration by John W. Ehninger. Welcome to the Knowledge Mouse Online Quiz Salem Witch Trials EXTRA CREDIT Choose a quiz style: One-pass quiz Random, endless quiz Learning quiz - learn and practice all at once. Sarah Osborne was accused due to hardly attending church and was seen as actively rejecting her religion. The most common test would be The Skin Test: The accused would have to be completely stripped down and checked throughout their entire body for The Devils Mark. These marks were normally little red or brown bumps and blemishes, typically being things such as moles, birthmarks, scars, freckles, and even extra nipples. Shortly afterwards two other children, Ann Putnam Jr (aged 12), and Elizabeth Hubbard were also acting in a similar way. FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. Rhetoric is only as potent as its source material - this is why any allusion to the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 is so effective. On the charge of affliction with witchcraft or entering a covenant with the devil.. 19 people were executed, 5 died in Witch Jail, and one man was tortured to death for refusing to give a plea. How many people were afflicted? An accused "witch" in the Salem witch trials. Samuel Wardwell Sr (age 49): Arrested with his wife and daughter, and was executed after recanting a forced confession. That cinched it: Suttons hands and feet were bound together, then with men on either side of the pond holding opposite ends of the rope, she was tossed into the muck. During the hysteria that preceded the Salem Witch Trials, the slave Tituba famously helped prepare a witch cake to identify the person responsible for bewitching young Betty Parris and others. If the girl didnt react, all was good; but if she became calm, it was proof that the suspect had placed them under a spell. Since witches were believed to, have spurned the sacrament of baptism, it was thought that the water would. What Happened? People in Salem, Massachusetts, as well as across the pond, were blamed for all sorts of malevolent misconduct back in the day. But the young girls who attended the trial were known to scream and writhe on the floor in the middle of the test. Sometimes, they would even have the victims of the accused come in and scratch them. Elizabeth Howe (age late 50s): Accused of cursing her neighbor and their live-stock. Ann Foster (age 75): Confessed after being accused by her daughter, who was also accused. A know-it-all neighbor of the Parris family, Mary Sibley, suggested the making of a cake to reveal whether witchcraft was involved. According to European lore, the prayer also helps ward off vampires. The premise here: Victims of sorcery were believed to react strangely when touched by their tormentor so when a possessed person went into one of their frenzies, the suspected witch would be instructed to a lay a hand on them. Called pressing, the subject is placed beneath heavy stones, meant to literally crush you into submission. She was later severely beaten and burned at the stake. Test. The Colonial Massachusetts 3. If the pup fell under its spell and exhibited the same symptoms as the victim (say, biting or barking at the moon), inappropriate hocus-pocus was proven. Thirty were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). Were they lackeys of Lucifer or innocent victims? This shocked many people in the village, because if someone like Martha could be a witch, then anyone could be a witch. This twisted test of public speaking ability was commonly used as hard evidence in witch trials. Evidence admitted in such trials was of five types. Witch Mark - A practice that came from England in the witch trials of the 16th and 17th centuries, looking for witch marks, or devil's marks was also utilized during the Salem witch trials. Sutton returned to the surface and upon recovering consciousness she once again denied all charges. 2022 A&E Television Networks, LLC. If the victims condition improved, the supposed tormentor was toast. Arrested due to her ghost apparently visiting her accuser. The group of 'bewitched' young girls at the heart of the trials were kept in isolation at the Andover meeting house. Mary Sutton and her mother were suspected of causing the servant of a landowner to fall into a coma, and then, when the landowners surly son threw stones at one of them, cast a spell that caused him to fall ill and kick the bucket. 1. Many accusations stemmed from the belief that a death or illness had been caused by witchcraft, which upon filing with a magistrate and being deemed credible would lead to an arrest. But even if the accuseds skin was blemish-free, they werent off the hook. Researchers also recently found the execution site for the trials in 2016. Some tests they used were: 1. It was thought that a witch could be discovered by being pricked with needles, pins, and bodkins (sharp instruments used to punch holes in cloth), until an insensitive area was found. Not much information about her. Some historians believe that the horrific events that occurred in Salem Town left a good message upon the world. In 17th century colonial North America there was a strong belief that Satan was present on Earth. Medieval wisdom held that witches were incapable of speaking scripture aloud, so accused sorcerers were made to recite selections from the Bibleusually the Lords Prayerwithout making mistakes or omissions. This superstition came from the Cartesian Doctrine of Effluvia, which logically was prescribed as a document of medical fact. During the proceedings, judges forced the Samuels to demand that the devil release the girls from their spell by stating, As I am a witchso I charge the devil to let Mistress Throckmorton come out of her fit at this present. When the possessed girls immediately recovered, the Samuels were found guilty and hanged as witches. Terms in . The group of 'bewitched' young girls at the heart of the trials were kept in isolation at the . It was believed that the victims would feel relief from their curses if they scratched the person who cursed them, and if they felt relief, that means the accused really was a witch. Charges were famously used in the 16th century witch trial of Alice Samuel and her husband and daughter, who were accused of bewitching five girls from the wealthy Throckmorton family. Lord's Prayer 4. Who was the judge of . 2. This 19th century representation of Tituba and the Children by Alfred Fredericks, originally appeared in A Popular History of the United States, Vol. Explain whether or not you believe an historic event like The Salem Witch Trials could occur in contemporary society. There was a famous case in Europe during the 1600s, where Alice Samuel, along with her husband and daughter, were accused of cursing five girls from a wealthy family. If an afflicted person throwing fits and the like suddenly becomes calm after the accused places their hand on him/her, then the toucher is most certainly a witch. In 1712, it was applied in the case Jane Wenham, an accused witch who supposedly struggled to speak the words forgive us our trespasses and lead us not into temptation during her interrogation. This test is all about the performance. brittanybecker. Play this game to review English. The touch test worked on the idea that victims of sorcery would have a special reaction to physical contact with their evildoer. In 1712, Jane Wenham who was an accused witch had trouble speaking the words, forgive us our tresspasses, and lead us not into temptation. She was assumed to be a witch since she couldnt flawlessly speak the prayer, thus being possessed by The Devil. Sarah Good, even though she was a 4 year old child, was also interrogated and her answers seemed to have suggested that she was in cahoots with her mother in witchcraft. and urine from the girls said to be afflicted by the witch's evil incantations. Still, even a kick-ass performance didnt mean an accused witch was off the hook. Now we know., 10 Bizarre Stories From European Witch Trials, 10 Moments In The History Of Witch Trials, 10 Most Disturbing Moments During Ted Bundy's Trials, 10 Ways European Witch Finders Tested Their Victims, 10 Modern Witch Hunts You Won't Believe Happened Recently, 10 People Who Saved a Life with Inconceivable Strength, Ten Surprising Things You Never Knew About Garden Gnomes, 10 Ancient Tyrants You Wont Read About in History Books, 10 Amazing Animals That Re-Emerged from Extinction. Martha Carrier also had two children that she was forced to leave behind: Thomas 10, and Sarah 8. Sarah Osborne (age 49): One of the first three people accused, died before her trial could even take place. Rebecca Nurse (age 71): Highly respected by the community. One Brit, Matthew Hopkins, was actually given the moniker Witch Finder General. Seriously. 5 Lord's Prayer Test This was a literal test of faith. Impassioned figure-pointing, stunning accusations, torrents of tears, out-of-control hysteria. In total, between 144 and 185 people were accused of witchcraft. Both were formally accused of witchcraft and hanged as witches. Since witches were believed to have spurned the sacrament of baptism, it was thought that the water would reject their body and prevent them from submerging. The Trials - Salem Witch Trials The trials held for the Salem Witches weren't exactly what we would picture one to be like today. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. Salem Witch Trials Review. Flashcards. Ann Pudeator (age 70s): Worked as a midwife, accused of killing 5 people. The Puritans goal was to live a pure life, free from evil and sin, and anyone who was accused of being a witch were linked to feelings such as freedom, hostility, sexuality, and diversity. Witch Test Touch test - The person afflicted with fits would become calm when touching the witch who cast the spell on them. They were usually beheaded or hung, and on occasion, they would be burned on the stake, but only after their deaths to ensure they didn't rise from the grave. This was because they were behaving most strangely, being either catatonic or stricken with hysterical fits. The Prayer Test. Here is everything you need to know about the dark history that lurked the grounds of Salem Town. Other people would also utter the words to act as a control, and judges would then gauge whether the statements had any effect on the victims condition. Send Feedback To Knowledge Mouse. Edit. Match. Also having flying broomsticks, talking black cats, and pointy hats would be instant red flags (at least in the Harry Potter universe). a) 43: c) 57 : Photo by Jessolsen CC BY 4.0 She was accused of attracting young girls with her stories of enchantment, regarding tales about sexual encounters with demons, swaying the minds of men, and fortune telling. The law of the Salem Witch Trials is a fascinating mix of biblical passages and colonial statutes. When the possessed girl immediately snapped out of her suffering, Samuels, along with her daughter and husband, were found guilty and strung up as witches. The Touch Test - Salem Witch Trials In court they would look for a devils mark on the person that is being accused. Answers will appear in a new window. But its hard to keep a good woman down. If the body floated to the surface, that was proof, along some kind of whimsical lines, that the accused was indeed a witch (at which point theyd execute her by some other means). If the accused is able to recite the Lord's Prayer without mistake then the accused is innocent. The test was that this teat would be pricked with a needle, and if the recipient didnt bleed or feel it, then surely there was a witch in our midst. Learn on the go with our new app. 0% average accuracy. The Incantation Test: The accused witch would verbally order The Devil to leave the victims body. One might say, water was not a witchs friend. The main accusers of witchcraft were a group of young girls, with the first two accusations coming from Elizabeth Parris and her cousin Abigail Williams. 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There were a number of tests used to determine if a person was a witch: Touch test - The person afflicted with fits would become calm when touching the witch who cast the spell on them. The events in Salem in 1692 were but one chapter in a long story of witch hunts that began in Europe between 1300 . Arrested for speaking out against the trials and defending the accused. SPECTRAL EVIDENCE WAS USED HEAVILY IN COURT. Witch Cake "In this voodoo-inspired test, the ingredients of said this cake were rye meal . Everyone who was executed was executed by hanging, and one by crushing with rocks. Even so, this wasnt enough to save the necks of Cullender and Denny, who were hung as witches. Cullender and Denny were both later hanged as witches. A bizarre form of counter-magic, the witch cake was a supernatural dessert used to identify suspected evildoers. Cotton Mather, an influential Puritan minister in 17th-century New England, defended the prayer test as one of the most reliable ways to detect a witch, according to a letter he sent to a judge: English, Social Studies. The puritans that didnt want to live by the way of the Roman Catholic church, most of which were families, left England and made their way over to America and formed the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and became known as the American Puritans. The 11 tests used to ascertain witchcraft Kat Nielsen 1. The imagery evoked is just as barbaric and painful as the means by which these accused witches were tried and ultimately proven guilty. Most of the accused in Salem were actually children and teenagers between the ages of 1220. (Nurses Sister-In-Law). The touch test was most famously employed during the Salem witch trials of 1692. Torture methods in both Europe and Salem were horrible, normally consisting of burning, dunking, cutting, severe sleep deprivation, pressing, the Heretics Fork, the Pear of Anguish, Iron Maiden, Witches Brittle, The Rack, The Iron Boot, The Scavengers Daughter, The Bastinado, The Jougs, sexual embarrassment, and general restriction and torture. THE WITCH TESTS WERE NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO PASS. For example, in 1710, the swimming test was used as evidence against a Hungarian woman named Dorko Boda, who was later beaten and burned at the stake as a witch. DRAFT. Sarah Goods four year old Daughter, Dorothy Good, who was accused of witchcraft was also spared. While it, may have simply been a sign that the suspected witch was illiterate or, nervous, any errors were viewed as proof that the speaker was in league with, the devil. Also known as charging, this test involved forcing the accused witch to verbally order the devil to let the possessed victim come out of their fit or trance. 0% average accuracy. Since witches were often shackled in jail . Where did the Salem witch trials take place? The community were also deeply troubled by the accusations against Rebecca Nurse, as she was also a devoted member of the church in Salem Town. She was never charged, but was kept in prison for nearly nine months, and was so traumatized by what she experienced that she was never able to fully recover, and was never able to go off and live a normal life. The Lord's Prayer is used in exorcism of possession. Salem witch trials - tests of guilt. Elizabeth Proctor was supposed to be executed along with her husband, John Proctor, but was ultimately delayed and kept in prison so she could give birth to her baby. The Prayer Test: The accused witch would be ordered to recite The Lords Prayer or a section of a scripture by memory. This Devils Mark could supposedly change shape and color, and was believed to be numb and insensitive to pain. Whenever the accused witches touched the girls, their fists would unclench, signifying that the women were witches. This test involved forcing the accused witch to verbally order the devil to let the possessed victim come out of their fit or trance. (When an accusation of flying was made, he noted, tongue firmly in cheek, that there was no law against it.) Created by. Gallows Hill was discovered on a rocky outcropping located near a Walgreens in Salem.
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