advertisements. A petite California woman was getting into her car in a parking garage when a man came up to her, put a knife to her throat and told her to get in the car. Yell For Help/Still try to Run Away. Mentally prepare yourself to fight off the abductor. November to me symbolizes time spent with family and friends creating warm memories to stave off the chilly days. A kidnapping can be initiated in any number of ways. 8. From there, look for a latch to pop it open. Then attempt to escape as soon as opportunity strikes. 1. But it is true. 5 Tips to Get Your Body in Shape for Self-Defense, 4 Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself During a Home Invasion, 15 Ways to Make Your Home a Hard Target to Prevent a Home Invasion, 5 Tips for Defense Against an Axe Attack Like in Germany, God and Guns: What the Bible Says About Self-Defense, The 6 Best Body Weapons to Defeat an Attacker, 6 Best Targets to Strike on the Body if Youre Attacked, How to Use Everyday Items to Save Your Life During an Attack, 7 Tips to Defend Yourself Against a Knife-Wielding Attacker, Fashion and Function: Six Tips for Carrying a Concealed Handgun, The Morning Briefing: Dems Are So Desperate They Brought Biden Out for Final Push, CNN's Daniel Dale Throws Biden Under the Bus and Chuck Todd Runs Him Over, VIDEO: A Special Election Day Preview From Your Friendly Neighborhood VodkaPundit, Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Could Face a Fine From the NFL for His Halloween Costume, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Also, if there is a strange object on your car such as a shirt or an open newspaper, do NOT get out to move it. Whether it is coming out of work or the mall, it's better to be safe than sorry - that's for sure. Some people willingly accept rides, others are forced into a car, others are drugged and carried away only to wake up as a captive. You may have to pretend to cooperate for awhile in order for the kidnapper to let his guard down. Billy Mays would never kill OxiClean. In this article, I will provide you with advice and procedures for accomplishing both. From 2010 through 2017, the most recent data available, the number has ranged from a low of 303 in 2016 to a high of 384 in 2011 with no clear directional trend. How to avoid getting kidnapped May 25, 2019 9GAG RSS feed. Some go on to grad school immediately afterward, some find a job right away, some travel the world, and some take their time with their job search. Maybe your kidnapper is a huge Jimmy Buffet fan and could never hurt another parrot head. Getting a job right out of college and then realizing its not right for you is not a waste of time, its the opposite. You are distracted and vulnerable, which makes you a perfect target for someone who wants an easy catch. Talk about your favorite TV show. Day by day, the insecurity situation in Nigeria is becoming even more alarming, and it seems there is no end in sight. The pair were released three days later, but the story does not have a happy ending. Run towards people, a business or a well lit area. You are distracted and vulnerable, which makes you a perfect target for someone who wants an easy catch. Scream for help by saying simple things like "Help me!" or "Somebody is trying to kidnap me!". In some cases, the victims have been murdered even after the ransom has been paid. You could be heading overseas on vacation, or simply traveling through a human trafficking hub in your own country on a work detail; it will affect your chances of getting yoinked, but no matter where you are you are never 100% safe from the threat of kidnapping. Chinese citizens were advised not to engage in immoral activities, as well as to avoid online gambling and telecommunications fraud. I am thankful for my King. They might even already know exactly what you make and are just asking you as a test. It is a street gang founded in the Philippines and later spread to the United States. Just keep talking. Take some pride in your work man! The longer a kidnapping goes on, the more likely you are to survive it. Throughout our lives, we are always faced with the next task and the most efficient way to get it. And of course, social media doesnt make it any easier when you see people you know traveling the world, getting their dream job right out of college, getting engaged to their significant other, etc. Between 2002 and 2013 three young women (Amanda Berry, Michelle Knight, and Gina DeJesus) were kidnapped and held in captivity in the home of Ariel Castro in Cleveland, Ohio. Know your limits, keep an eye on your drink, and stop drinking early. If you are kidnapped, you need to follow all instructions given. Do NOT submit! Fight with everything you have! Full Bio Yes, it's a fine line, but it's an important one. And let them knowwhen you plan to come home. The kidnapper doesnt want to kill you; that would be stupid. After choosing which scenario you want (such as a ransom situation), a price is set. When they got close enough to his vehicle, they were forced in. Because of this, were failing to notice how we come to decide what we want, and how that process, no matter how long it takes, is never a waste of time. If you are seriously worried about a kidnapping attempt, and escaping from one, youll need to add a few special purpose items to your accoutrement in the form of escape tools: While these types of items have proliferated in the prepping communities, there is one resulting blind spot that most people do not account for. "No, it's totally me Chad Kidnapper. I made this vid. so precisely designed for a perfect painting. Install locks or alarms, close your doors and gates, and secure your property to prevent kidnapping. For instance, you may know that Susie has four lollipops and lives in the city and that Brad has 2 apples and lives in the country, so how many turnips does Anne have? The Abu Sayyaf have kidnapped several people in the past. It is also important to be aware of the current security situation in the Philippines and to stay up-to-date on travel advisories issued by ones government. It will be harder to kidnap you the more secure you are inside. If so, look for an alternative route and take it a time. You dont have to be a visiting oil baron or tech company CEO to be targeted for kidnapping in these places; simply looking like what you are a foreigner is enough to get you rolled in hopes of getting a ransom paid. (Pixabay) 5. Psychologically, it makes it harder for them to pull the trigger. Gina DeJesus knew Ariel Castro. 5. As more and more people entered the room, I noticed that I knew a good chunk of the people there. Easier said than done, and this is largely dependent upon how you dress and your own flexibility. cheeks. Don't worry about the Stan's if they get violent, many of them are very weak or very slow, or both. Do NOT be on your cellphone when you walk to the car. If you are kidnapped, the best thing to do is to try to stay calm and wait for the ransom demand to be made. Asking small favors in general is good. If you must meet a new acquaintance, let someone know your destination and the person you will be meeting. Hot chocolate gets The woman shoved her purse at him and ran for help. Or at least to tell everyone about the friendly car they met today. Avoid getting close to a vehicle. The scam typically begins with a phone call saying your family member is being held captive. Second, as grim as it is to contemplate, you have to count on your captors abusing you or at the very least starving you and depriving you of water. You dont want to freak out and start screaming and crying, but you also shouldnt try to play it too tough. 6. Fall is finally in the air! That sounds like conspiracy theory levels of crazy, right? This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. It is common for people to put in drinks . Kidnap for ransom cases are unfortunately becoming more and more common in the Philippines. In cases like this, the best thing to do is stall until you can determine the location of the kidnapped person. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. You betcha. One common method used south of the U.S. Southern border is to. Half of the women killed by men die at the hands of a partner or an ex. Fall is my favorite season because each month of fall represents something unique within it. NEVER put yourself in a dangerous situation. 1. ALWAYS lock your doors as soon as you get in the car. As with any crime, being taken away from the initial location where it occurs is bad news. 4. Halloween has almost come and gone, and it's nearly time to put away the costumes and finish off your candy. lawn, just moments later. Because if you didnt make that choice, youd regret not going through with it. November brings in the twilight of autumn and the chill in the airs gets a little bit cooler. Try to be unpredictable. You want to know where they typically operate, what identifying marks, logos, colors or uniforms they employ, typical vehicle selection if any, and what methods they usually use during their kidnapping. Itll hurt a little, and its not something you can do stealthily but if you see a chance for escape, you can easily break your hands free. You absolutely must take the first viable opportunity to escape that is presented and capitalize on it with everything you can muster. Chances are in a ransom situation they already have some idea of what they are going to be able to get from you. There are some steps you can take to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of kidnapping, such as being aware of your surroundings and not travelling alone in unfamiliar areas. OK, youd be luckier if you were trapped inside a big silo of M&Ms or a skeleton key factory or not trapped anywhere at all. The next grade, high school, AP classes, college, graduation, internships, jobs, careers, marriage, etc. Be cautious when using ATMs, and be sure to cover your PIN when entering it. If youre having trouble with it, you can also try tying your shoelaces together and using them to saw through the zip ties as demonstrated in this video. As John Defoe shows, kidnapping is not an option in the Philippines. You may also be stopped by a mugger and they'll "ask for directions". Or try to break one of the break lights and stick your hand out, or stick out some other object to grab attention from passing motorists. While all of this may not sound like much fun, there's still plenty to enjoy in November. Here are the facts about the date rape drugs.. Head for the nearest densely-populated area. If you are underage, or if carrying a gun is not for you, then I suggest carrying pepper spray. This can be as low as $150, or range to over $1,000. Due to the recent events and media coverage on missing women, kids, and sex trafficking I felt compelled to pass along this information that could potentially save your life.While nothing can ever completely eliminate your risk of being kidnapped, there are ways to protect yourself against it. That actually solves two problems. Strike viciously, repeatedly, and as soon as you have the opportunity. Why would a man kidnap a woman? If you dont have a fart ready to go, you can ask for a glass of water or to go to the bathroom. Weve been forced to search for these supposed goals and inevitably felt guilty if we had not achieved them by a certain point in our lives, or at all for that matter. Your life is more important than your music. Do not always go with your car, hire the services of tricycle or motorcycle, avoid coming at particular time everyday and do not spend long time when you visit the site,dress simple (short and t-shirt). This can be a very traumatic experience for both the victims and their families, and it is important to be aware of the risks if you are planning to travel to the Philippines. Although this method works for both duct tape and zip ties, the latter is much harder. This may sound really weird, but if you're ever being held for ransom, dont lie about your income. I did not join the same sorority as all of my high school friends. It's a busy time of year, but it's also fun and memorable. You might have seen an easier version of this riddle in a high school math class. The Police spokesperson said the most important option for victims is to cooperate with the kidnappers as an unplanned attempt to escape may become too risky. This means your physical and mental condition will be steadily deteriorating. I love Thanksgiving. "Fight, scream, make a scene," Cantrell said when asked. Try to take the key out of the ignition. Avoid routines. In these cases, a terrible person will cyber-stalk a family, and then after obtaining information about them (usually through social media), theyll call the family and pretend to have kidnapped a family member they know is not home. Also, spray it as the attacker approaches you. These crimes are most common in countries with weak security infrastructures, high levels of impunity, and a disparity in economic development, such as Mexico, Venezuela, and Nigeria, as well as those with prolonged conflicts, such as Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan. This is a new tactic that attackers use. Your safest option is to be honest about your income. The embassy notes, that in some cases ransom is paid and the victim freed, in other cases the victim is killed despite a ransom being paid. This new show features violent reenactments of Jeffrey Dahmers horrific murders. Finding out what we dont want is equally as important as finding out what we do want, and is, in fact, an integral part of the process. He also advised kidnapped victims to . The longer your captivity drags on, the worse your overall situation will become. But it's actually a thing that happens all the time: people claiming that they're the actual kidnappers, in an attempt to steal the ransom money. In total, 35 countries have been called out for having a risk of kidnapping. Most preppers already carry an EDC kit consisting of various tools and even weapons to help them survive the perils of the modern world. Answer (1 of 15): Don't come to Mxico. In some countries and continents, places like Mexico, South America, the Philippines and other parts of Southeast Asia, kidnapping is often conducted on a mass scale as an income-producing endeavor for organized crime. Both should be considered part of every at-risk organization's risk-management arsenal. yung ibang advice ko naman, as a young woman who has to be hyper-vigilant while commuting due to obvious reasons, is to bring an umbrella around with you and really make a show of carrying it around: it's a visible weapon that you can use to hit attackers or put distance between you and said attackers. This could throw off any kidnappers on your tail. However, some general tips that may help include being aware of your surroundings, travelling in groups or with someone you trust, and avoiding isolated or dangerous areas. In the case of child kidnapping, it's taking a child against the will of any parent or legal guardian of that person. Feel the beat as you glide elegantly through the ballroom. There's not much better than that. They have key duplicators readily available and generally, have your address on file. Everything about abduction is ugly, and it is imperative that you know both how to avoid being kidnapped, and how to escape if the unthinkable happens. You traveled the world and took a giant break from life? But at least youre luckier than someone trapped in the trunk of an older model vehicle. I'm a freelance tour guide and a blogger. 5 Ways Food Waste Is Being Used To Help The Planet, The Snowboarder Who Survived For Days After Getting Lost In the Wilderness, The Line: A Planned City Thats Shaped Like An Actual Line. If you go through a broad range of topics, you might hit one that resonates with the kidnapper. A tracking device, in addition to tracking, can be used by a third party to monitor your movements. Follow a sensible process of minimised exposure. The company offers two teams: the Elite All-Girls Kidnapping Team and the Henchmen. kidnap occurs when someone forcibly takes another person from them, such as their place of work, residence, rest and recreation, school, street, park, or public place. Do not hitchhike ever. If you're going to carry a weapon, make some effort to have it look scary. Make them remember you're human. If youre trapped in a modern car, youre in luck! Most millennials probably find themselves in a situation similar to mine. The swing can only be played when the players play the right music. If the car was manufactured after Septermber 1, 2001, the trunk is required to be equipped with a glow in the dark release handle. Governments must take action to improve security infrastructure, create a more business-friendly environment, and raise public awareness about kidnapping in order to protect citizens. Your instinct might be to undersell your worth in hopes of your family not having to pay as high of a ransom. The ransoms paid for foreigners tend to be much more than those paid for locals. I did not grow up in Baton Rouge or New Orleans. for the area I have grown up in. However, don't text or choose music on your phone while you drive. Serial killer Edmund Kemper claims to have once released a victim who saw a bottle of pills in his car and commented that her father took the same ones. Female children often get kidnapped more often than males as over two-thirds of the former are victims of kidnapping. If you go to a bar, do not leave your drink unattended. Jason Burgeson, 20, and Amy Shute, 21, had been dancing in a Providence RI club and were outside his car when five men kidnapped them at gunpoint, forced them into his car, drove them to a golf course, and shot them to death as they begged for their lives. Questions and Answers. But understand if you are targeted by a professional snatch team, you still might have virtually no opportunity to resist initially. With that being said, some people are far more vulnerable to kidnapping than others, and this vulnerability is intensified in certain areas of the nation and the globe where kidnapping is more commonplace, especially as a means of income. That's what they call me.". also, walk fast and tall. Youre supposed to turn back if you have to because youre supposed to find out what you want. Do NOT be on your cellphone when you walk to the car. Surviving from a kidnapping is a matter of correctly understanding your kidnap risk and a specific area, assessing the kidnappers and having the tools, training and tenacity necessary in order to affect escape. In fact, it's best if you just gesture wildly like an over-medicated mental patient. Something about a random person on the internet filming a podcast about someone elses tragedy, getting millions of views, and making hundreds to thousands of dollars because of it, just doesnt sit right with me. Break it up and find alternate routes and destinations. All that is needed is to carry pepper spray. The Philippine government has been working to try to stop this problem, but it has been difficult to do so. The King of A waving arm protruding from a trunk is fairly suspicious and will hopefully signal passing motorists to call the police. If youre dealing with individuals who appear professional or very experienced, and they are employing lethal cover (which is an increasingly common practice, mind you), you must be prepared to fight and, perhaps, die if you want to avoid being taken somewhere else against your will. You also dont want to risk inflating your income too much. It works, but you must be trained and willing to use it.
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