Human Rights Themes. Although the Database is updated regularly and attempts to ensure accuracy and reliability of the data displayed on these web pages, it may still contain some inaccuracies, which will have to be corrected over the next months. Learn more about each topic, see who's involved, and find the latest news, reports, events and more. Nov 05, 2022Intern - Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland OHCHR - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Updated: 2022-10-26T06:35:50Z. Both the High Commissioner and the Office have a unique role to: She has been working for the German Institute for Human Rights as a senior researcher in the field of economic, social and cultural rights since 2010. UN Treaty Body Database. 15-18. The expert will hold a press conference at the end of her visit, on Thursday 17 November 2022 at 1.30 pm local time at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon in Dhaka, to share her preliminary observations. To the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsOHCHR Every day, I "send" to the media of each country, the president's office, the prime minister's office, and the "embassies in Japan" of each country. This was just a few months after the World Conference on Human Rights adopted the Vienna Declaration and Plan of Action. In carrying out our mission UN Human Rights: To fulfil its mission, UN Human Rights follows a robust framework of results known as the OHCHR Management Plan (OMP). Chinese - Main Navigation OHCHR Chinese - Main Navigation OHCHR Learn about how you can report a human rights violation. In addition, New Zealand has also ratified numerous international United Nations treaties. The mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is to work for the protection of all human rights for all people; to help empower people to realize their rights; and to assist those responsible for upholding such rights in ensuring that they are implemented. Home World No mention of Taiwan! The UN Human Rights Office and the mechanisms we support work on a wide range of human rights topics. The Secretary-Generals Call to Action for Human Rights and Our Common Agenda of 2021 refer to the UPR mechanism as key to advance the SDGs with human rights at their core. 5 5.Countries in the UN 2022 - World Population Review; 6 6.Countries Not in the United Nations 2022 - World Population Review; 7 7.Members of the United Nations - Infoplease; 8 8.Frequently asked questions - UNOV; 9 9.Membership of the Human Rights Council - OHCHR For media inquiries related to other UN independent experts:Jeremy. The fund supports countries, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States, to implement recommendations emanating from the universal periodic review in consultation with, and with the consent of, the country concerned. We are gravely concerned about the human rights situation in the People's Republic of China, She has been working for the German Institute for Human Rights as a senior . UN Human Rights, country page Bangladesh, For further information and media requests, please contact: Ms. Claire Mathelli (; +41 22 917 49 89) or write to, For media inquiries related to other UN independent experts please contact Renato Rosario De Souza ( or Dharisha Indraguptha ( uhri is a central repository of human rights information and aim at assisting states in the implementation of these recommendations and to facilitate the work of national stakeholders such as national human rights institutions (nhris), non-governmental organisations, civil society and academics as well as the united nations in support of such This page provides country specific information on : The ratification of international Human Rights treaties. Reporting status for Gambia. They have also increasingly engendered the pro-active participation of local and regional governments, national human rights institutions and civil society, before, during, and after the reviews. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Stand up for Human Rights. Get the latest from our news, events and meetings. Click HERE for the list of international human rights treaties and optional protocols. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity. SharePoint Note: The boundaries and the names shown and the designations used on these maps do not imply official . Omar Hilale, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of the Kingdome of Morocco to the United Nations, the side event was opened by H.E. Join us and make a difference. Please engage, comment, or repost if you agree and want to amplify their message. All States parties must report on the measures they have adopted relating to the rights described in the Covenant, and on the progress the State has made in the enjoyment of civil and political rights. Special Procedures experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/23/22). A UPR Practical Guidance developed by OHCHR for Heads of UN Missions worldwide will be able to maximize the use of this HRC mechanism for engagement on human rights at country level. Follow news related to the UNs independent human rights experts on Twitter: @UN_SPExperts. Before starting the proceedings, I wish to highlight that we have come a long way since the establishment of this important mechanism of the Council, which has contributed significantly to making a positive impact on the human rights situation in all countries around the world. All countries and territories . . In view of the enhanced focus on implementation of the 4th cycle, it also promoted States access to the financial and technical assistance available through the VF. This roadmap is based on the outcomes of consultations with Member States, the UN system, civil society, the donor community and the private sector. Ms. Claudia Mahler (Austria) was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council as Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons in May 2020. Source: UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Human Rights Council is a forum empowered to prevent abuses, inequity and discrimination, protect the most vulnerable, and expose perpetrators. As such, it has improved the lives of individuals in all parts of the world. country. Human rights in New Zealand are addressed in the various documents which make up the constitution of the country.Specifically, the two main laws which protect human rights are the New Zealand Human Rights Act 1993 and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. The Treaty Body Database contains all public documents adopted or received by the human rights treaty bodies. UPR - Tips for engagement at country level for NHRIs and NGOs UN Human Rights and NHRIs . . Provided by Alexa ranking, has ranked N/A in N/A and 3,901,323 on the world. How many journalists murdered in the fight for human rights exposing human rights violations in countries who use children to do the work because they don't have to pay them. As a living document, the Repository captures how the UPR has been able to advance the promotion and protection of human rights and to secure greater compliance, in law and in practice, with international human rights norms or with commitments made by States in UN and regional human rights mechanisms, in all regions of the world. OHCHR's headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. UN Human Rights recommendations help lead to end of death penalty Read the story . ENDS. 37 on Article 21 (Right of peaceful assembly), General comment No. To the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsOHCHR Every day, I "send" to the media of each country, the president's office, the prime minister's office, and the "embassies in Japan" of each country. UNESCO 1.659.160 seguidores 19 h . It is our collective responsibility to continue building on these achievements. Monaco, Montenegro, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Palau, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and my own country Canada. Technical cooperation . For more information and media requests please contact: Gunnar Theissen (+41 22 917 93 21 / or write to (Espaol), UPR - UPR Tips for Members of Parliament CH-1201 Geneva (Switzerland), Mailing address: Get an overview of OHCHR's 2018-2021 roadmap. Learn more about each topic, see who's involved, and find the latest news, reports, events and more. in 2020, ohchr had 44 advisers in the dominican republic, belize, el salvador, jamaica, costa rica, barbados, ecuador, trinidad and tobago, guyana, peru, bolivia, paraguay, brazil, uruguay, argentina, jordan, saudi arabia, guinea-bissau, burkina faso, niger, nigeria, lesotho, zimbabwe, burundi, malawi, rwanda, madagascar, kenya, maldives, sri In launching the Call to Action for Human Rights, on 24 February 2020, at the opening of the 43th session of the Human Rights Council, theUN Secretary-Generalstated that new practical guidance to every UN country leader around the world to strengthen our platforms of cooperation to address human rights challenges utilizing the power and potential of the Universal Periodic Review would soon be issued. ENDS Ms. Claudia Mahler (Austria) was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council as Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons in May 2020. UNOG-OHCHR Select one or more SDG's. Filter by Region. Calendar of country reviews & documentation deadlines. Ageing population in Bangladesh is fast growing, becoming one of the emerging issues that has been gradually increasing challenges on health services, family relationships and social security, Mahler said. The domain uses a Commercial suffix and it's server (s) are located in N/A with the IP number and it is a .org domain. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights I look forward to learning more about the implementation of the policy and the law, she said. The Human Rights Council is a separate entity from OHCHR. For a more detailed overview about the Voluntary Fund, please click here. The Independent Expert will assess areas of concern such as social security and protection, age discrimination and ageism, abuse and violence against older persons, their living conditions, including housing arrangements and access to adequate health services, and their meaningful participation in the labour force and in public and political space. However, the Human Rights Council is a separate entity from OHCHR. 39th Meeting of States parties & 2022 elections, 38th Meeting of States parties & 2020 elections, 37th Meeting of States Parties & election, 36th Meeting of States parties & 2018 elections, General Comment No. Opening statements by: Main recommendations of the Seminar - PDF: Franais, 15th Anniversary of the UPR Voluntary Fund on Implementation. She will present a full report of her country visit to the Human Rights Council in September 2023. The splatter on the walls painted a gruesome picture. The truce, which started at the beginning of April, ended more than a month ago, and human rights chief, Volker Trk, says that there is grave and growing concern for the safety and security of civilians. Canada's human rights laws stem from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Join us and make a difference. Petitions and Inquiries Section Indonesia is one of the States to be reviewed by the UPR Working Group during its 41st session taking place from 7 to 18 . Learn about how you can report a human rights violation. Twitter: @UNTreatyBodies, For individual complaints: Read more about the history of UN Human Rights. Currently, no other universal mechanism of this kind exists. Fax: +41 22 917 90 08 . Declarations and reservations Optional Protocol 1, Declarations and reservations Optional Protocol 2, Note: OHCHR is not responsible for the content of external websites. Date: 31 October 2022 1. Independence of the justice system and access to justice in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, including for violations of economic and social rights, and the situation of human rights in the Arco Minero del . The ultimate aim of this mechanism is to improve the human rights situation in all countries and address human rights violations wherever they occur. Chinese - Main Navigation OHCHR. One of the amendments was a revision . Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights . The UN Human Rights (OHCHR) supports the work . During the 51st regular session, the Council adopted by consensus Resolution 51/30 on the strengthening of the voluntary funds for the universal periodic review. Item 6 UPR adoptions (23-24 March 2022), HRC 50 Article 1 of the UDHR states: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Freedom from discrimination, set out in Article 2, is what ensures this equality. The Irish Sea lies northwest and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. The UN Human Rights Office and the mechanisms we support work on a wide range of human rights topics. Learn about how you can report a human rights violation. the Human Rights Council expressed its concerns at the human rights crisis in the Greater Kasai and the need to bring the perpetrators of serious human rights violations to justice . Seerelevant third cycle documents, including: Further information may be sought at the following address: 2022 United Nations Human Rights Council, UPR Pre- and Post-Review Session Documentation, Academic Friends of the Advisory Committee, Special Procedures (Human Rights Experts), IGWG on draft UN declaration on HR education and training, IGWG on private military and security companies, IGWG on private military and security companies(new), IGWG on draft UN declaration on right to peace, IGWG on UN declaration on rights of peasants, the event has been recorded and is available for viewing through webcast, Voluntary Fund for Financial and Technical Assistance in the implementation of the universal periodic review, UN good practices on how the Universal Periodic Review process supports sustainable development, National Mechanisms for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRFs), UN support, Key capacities and Implementation of Recommendations, National Recommendation Tracking Database (NRTD), FRANCE (Prsentation - Sminaire francophone), UNESCO : Good practices on freedom of expression, Joint letter University of Padua, the UPR Branch and UPR Info, Tips for engagement at country level for NHRIs and NGOs. . 05 Nov 2022 17:15:14 We will begin the session with the review of Bahrain this morning, and the review of Ecuador in the afternoon. Learn more about each topic, see who's involved, and find the latest news, reports, events and more. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the), National institutions and regional mechanisms. AfCFTAonTRACK OHCHR recommends explicit recognition of AfCFTA on women in Africa. The Charter guarantees broad equality rights and other fundamental rights such as the freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion. #Standup4humanrights A very powerful statement from Jestina Mukoko. 66 countries say Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Tibet are China's internal affairs against human rights violations in the West condemned - Yahoo Qimo News Human Rights Officer, . This principle is present in all major human rights treaties. Note: Click HERE for the application of the treaty to overseas, non-self-governing, and other territories. As one of the main features of the Council, the UPR is designed to ensure equal treatment for every country when their human rights situations are assessed. It is part of the Secretariat of the United Nations, an inter-governmental organization made up of 193 Member States. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is the leading United Nations entity in . In view of the start of the 4th cycle of the UPR and its focus on enhanced implementation of recommendations, OHCHR and the Permanent Missions of Morocco, Dominican Republic, Switzerland, the Philippines and South Africa organized a side event on the margins of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. UN Human Rights country page: Egypt. The UN Human Rights Office and the mechanisms we support work on a wide range of human rights topics. From 24 February 2022, when the Russian Federation's armed attack against Ukraine started, to 30 October 2022, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights . Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) United Nations Office at Geneva The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights) is the leading UN entity on human rights. The disgust I feel right now is unexplainable. (Foreword signed by OHCHR, UNDP and DCO), 40th session (24 January-11 February 2022), HRC 49 This distinction originates from the separate mandates they were given by the General Assembly. Search Form. From 2001 to 2009, Ms. Mahler conducted research at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Potsdam where her main fields were in human rights education, minority rights and the law of asylum. It is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south. 8-14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneve 10, Switzerland Learn more about each topic, see who's involved, and find the latest news, reports, events and more. This year marks the 15th anniversary of resolution 6/17, which established the Voluntary Fund for Financial and Technical Assistance in the implementation of the universal periodic review. It shares land borders with Wales to its west and Scotland to its north. That's according to Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who is concerned. Countries . Doing so systematically especially as we move towards the 4th cycle - will go a long way to advance prevention and the success and sustainability of the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs.. It employs approximately 1,085 staff based in Geneva, New York and 26 country/regional offices. F +41 22 917 90 08. Indonesian version (PDF) GENEVA (4 November 2022) - Indonesia's human rights record will be examined by the UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group for the fourth time on Wednesday, 9 November 2022 in a meeting that will be webcast live. As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Stand up for Human Rights. Hindi version (PDF). Human Rights Report 2020. For more information, the event has been recorded and is available for viewing through webcast. Human Rights Committee The third UPR cycle started on 1 May 2017. The Charter protects every Canadian's right to be treated equally under the law. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one . The promulgation of this law is a critical milestone in combating torture, ill-treatment and enforced . With these positive developments, we are beginning the 4th cycle equipped with strengthened resources and capacity to make the UPR an even more relevant and impactful human rights instrument for all. A UPR Practical Guidance, [ | | English | Franais | | Espaol] prepared by OHCHR, in consultation with the entire UN system, was finalised on 18 August 2020 and aims at providing advice on how UN entities at country level can engage in the UPR process to support progress by Member States on human rights and the SDGs, as well as on the prevention and sustaining peace agendas. The 100 % participation of the States under review throughout the 3rd cycle, their high-level and diverse attendance, including members of governments, parliaments, and judiciary, demonstrated once again the interest that the Universal Periodic Review generates in the international community, and the importance of this process at the national level. As UNPOS's successor mission, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia's (UNSOM) Human Rights and Protection Group (HRPG), was established by Security Council . As the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review process draws to a close maintaining 100% participation by States in the reviews, with the involvement of all branches of the Government at the highest level - we see great merit in launching this Repository of UN good practices on how the Universal Periodic Review process supports sustainable development. 1,085 staff based in Geneva, New Zealand has also ratified numerous international United,... Assembly and freedom of religion is separated from continental Europe by the Human Rights more information, the Human Office. Rights, Geneva, Switzerland our news, reports, events and more Member.! Is present in all parts of the UPR Voluntary Fund on Implementation Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( the,... September 2023 empowered to prevent abuses, inequity and discrimination, protect the most vulnerable, and find latest. 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